
miércoles, 5 de junio de 2024

Desvelado el mayor catálogo de nuevas moléculas antibióticas: casi un millón de compuestos desconocidos


Desvelado el mayor catálogo de nuevas moléculas antibióticas: casi un millón de compuestos desconocidos

El español César de la Fuente y el portugués Luis Pedro Coelho revelan con computación aplicada a la biología un potencial arsenal contra la resistencia de los microorganismos a los fármacos existentes

Raúl Limón

Cuando el francés Ernest Duchesne halló la penicilina en 1897 y la redescubrió Alexander Fleming en 1928, la salud de la humanidad dio un paso de gigante. Por primera vez, las posibilidades de morir por una infección descendían drásticamente. Sin embargo, el uso y abuso de antibióticos en los últimos 100 años ha enseñado a los patógenos microbianos a desarrollar defensas frente a la mejor arma farmacológica. Cada año, según The Lancet, casi cinco millones de personas mueren por microorganismos resistentes a los antibióticos actuales y es imprescindible encontrar nuevas moléculas efectivas. En esta lucha ineludible, los laboratorios del español César de la Fuente en la Universidad de Pensilvania y del portugués Luis Pedro Coelho en la Universidad de Tecnología de Queensland han descubierto, según publican en Cell, la mayor cantera del mundo (863.498 péptidos) de antimicrobianos a partir de los cuales se pueden desarrollar nuevos tratamientos.

Los investigadores han recurrido a la inteligencia artificial y al aprendizaje mecánico (machine learning) para rebuscar en cualquier parte —en el cuerpo humano (saliva o piel), animales (intestinos de los cerdos o corales), plantas, tierra, agua o seres extintos— una combinación de aminoácidos que tengan potencial antibiótico. Es lo que se conoce como materia oscura microbiana, microorganismos que han dejado material genético en cualquier medio, pero que aún no se han cultivado en laboratorio.

Del casi millón de moléculas halladas, nueve de cada 10 son inéditas y han tenido que ser bautizadas, como la lachnospirina y enterococcina, las más efectivas. “Nunca se habían descrito”, resalta De la Fuente. De esa ingente cantidad han conseguido probar un centenar a nivel preclínico (placas de Petri y ratones) en 11 cepas bacterianas causantes de enfermedades, incluidas cepas resistentes a los antibióticos de E. coli y Staphylococcus aureus. “Nuestra evaluación inicial reveló que 63 de estos candidatos erradicaron por completo el crecimiento de, al menos, uno de los patógenos probados y, a menudo, de múltiples cepas. En algunos casos, estas moléculas fueron efectivas contra las bacterias en dosis muy bajas”, explica el investigador coruñés, recientemente premiado en su tierra.

En un modelo preclínico probado en ratones infectados, el tratamiento con los nuevos péptidos produjo resultados similares a los efectos de la polimixina B, un antibiótico usado como control y disponible comercialmente que se utiliza para tratar la meningitis, la neumonía, la sepsis y las infecciones del tracto urinario.

Que ambos investigadores sean biotecnólogos ha permitido reducir a meses procesos que tardaban hasta una década. De esta forma, sus equipos analizaron bases de datos de 87.920 genomas de microbios y 63.410 metagenomas (mezclas de estos). Buscaban combinaciones de aminoácidos desconocidas para los patógenos que han desarrollado resistencia a los antibióticos actuales y responsables de lo que la Organización Mundial de la Salud considera una de las 10 principales amenazas de la humanidad.

El equipo ha publicado todos los hallazgos, agrupados bajo el nombre AMPSphere (esfera de péptidos antimicrobianos), en una plataforma de código abierto para permitir la investigación a partir de sus hallazgos a cualquier entidad interesada en desarrollar nuevos antibióticos. La idea es superar la tendencia de la industria farmacéutica a centrarse más en tratamientos de enfermedades crónicas, de uso prolongado y más rentables.

Llevo toda mi carrera dedicada a los antibióticos, porque es una de las áreas que tiene menos inversión y que mata a más gente en el mundo. Simplemente, mi sueño es intentar ayudar a la humanidad, salvar vidas. Y para mí es lo más importante, más que ganar dinero
César de la Fuente, Universidad de Pensilvania

“Llevo toda mi carrera dedicada a los antibióticos, porque es una de las áreas que tiene menos inversión y que mata a más gente en el mundo. Simplemente, mi sueño es intentar ayudar a la humanidad, salvar vidas. Y para mí es lo más importante, más que ganar dinero”, afirma De la Fuente, quien promueve la creación de una empresa surgida de su laboratorio en la Universidad de Pensilvania para acelerar los desarrollos de nuevos antibióticos.

Luis Pedro Coelho, biotecnólogo de la Universidad de Tecnología de Queensland, 

“Hay una necesidad urgente de nuevos métodos para el descubrimiento de antibióticos. Usar la inteligencia artificial para comprender y aprovechar el poder del microbioma mundial nos lleva a investigaciones innovadoras que mejoran la salud pública”, añade Coelho, cuya colaboración ha sido, en opinión de De la Fuente, extraordinaria.

“Estamos orgullosos de esta investigación porque creemos que es el proyecto de descubrimiento de antibióticos más grande que se ha escrito en cuanto a la cantidad de información biológica que hemos explorado y la de moléculas que hemos encontrado nuevas. Es una representación muy completa de toda la increíble diversidad microbiana que existe”, resalta el investigador gallego.

De la Fuente detalla cómo el hallazgo procede de una novedosa forma de aproximarse al problema global y urgente de la resistencia a los antibióticos: “Yo pienso en la biología como una fuente de información en forma de ADN, de nucleótidos, de proteínas o de aminoácidos. Con los ordenadores podemos entrar como con una lupa y explorar toda esa diversidad oculta al ojo humano y codificada de forma tan compleja e ingente”.

Con modelos mucho más humildes, otros investigadores trabajan en la misma dirección y bajo la misma premisa: la lucha contra una amenaza global. Una investigación en The Microbe, ha analizado las comunidades bacterianas y de arqueas (organismos procariotas que tienen apariencia de bacterias) en los baños romanos de la ciudad británica de Bath. “Esta es una investigación muy emocionante. La resistencia a los antimicrobianos es reconocida como una de las amenazas más importantes para la salud mundial y la búsqueda de nuevos productos naturales antimicrobianos se está acelerando. Nuestro estudio ha desvelado, por primera vez, que algunos de los microorganismos presentes en las Termas Romanas son una fuente potencial de nuevos descubrimientos antimicrobianos. Las termas romanas han sido consideradas medicinales durante mucho tiempo y ahora, gracias a los avances de la ciencia moderna, descubrimos que los romanos y otros tenían razón”, comenta Lee Hutt, autor principal del trabajo e investigador de la Universidad de Plymouth.

Otra línea de investigación se dirige no solo a descubrir nuevos antibióticos, sino que estos no impliquen efectos indeseados. El tratamiento con la conocida amoxicilina y clindamicina provoca cambios en la estructura general de las poblaciones bacterianas en el intestino, disminuyendo la abundancia de varios grupos microbianos beneficiosos, según detalla un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Illinois Urbana-Champaign en Nature. Los investigadores han probado en ratones un nuevo antibiótico. “La lolamicina”, como se denomina el nuevo compuesto, “no causa ningún cambio drástico en la composición taxonómica en el transcurso del tratamiento de tres días o la recuperación de los siguientes 28 días”, sostienen los investigadores.

Discovery of antimicrobial peptides in the global microbiome with machine learning 


  • Machine learning predicts nearly 1 million new antibiotics in the global microbiome
  • Out of 100 tested peptides, 79 were active in vitro; 63 of these targeted pathogens
  • Some peptides may originate from longer sequences through genomic fragmentation
  • The AMPSphere is an open-access resource to accelerate antibiotic discovery


Novel antibiotics are urgently needed to combat the antibiotic-resistance crisis. We present a machine-learning-based approach to predict antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) within the global microbiome and leverage a vast dataset of 63,410 metagenomes and 87,920 prokaryotic genomes from environmental and host-associated habitats to create the AMPSphere, a comprehensive catalog comprising 863,498 non-redundant peptides, few of which match existing databases. AMPSphere provides insights into the evolutionary origins of peptides, including by duplication or gene truncation of longer sequences, and we observed that AMP production varies by habitat. To validate our predictions, we synthesized and tested 100 AMPs against clinically relevant drug-resistant pathogens and human gut commensals both in vitro and in vivo. A total of 79 peptides were active, with 63 targeting pathogens. These active AMPs exhibited antibacterial activity by disrupting bacterial membranes. In conclusion, our approach identified nearly one million prokaryotic AMP sequences, an open-access resource for antibiotic discovery.

Graphical abstract



Antibiotic-resistant infections are becoming increasingly difficult to treat with conventional therapies. Indeed, such infections currently kill 1.27 million people per year. Therefore, there is an urgent need for novel methods for antibiotic discovery. Computational approaches have recently been developed to accelerate our ability to identify novel antibiotics, including antimicrobial peptides (AMPs).Recently, proteome mining approaches have even been developed to identify antimicrobial agents in extinct organisms in an attempt to further expand our repertoire of known antimicrobials.
AMPs, found in all domains of life, are short sequences (operationally defined here as 10–100 amino acid residues) capable of disturbing microbial growth.AMPs most commonly interfere with cell wall integrity and cause cell lysis., Natural AMPs can originate by proteolysis,, by non-ribosomal synthesis, or, as we focus on in the present study, they can be encoded within the genome.
Bacteria live in an intricate balance of antagonism and mutualism in natural habitats. AMPs play an important role in modulating such microbial interactions and can displace competitor strains, facilitating cooperation. For instance, pathogens such as Shigella spp., Staphylococcus spp., Vibrio cholerae, and Listeria spp., produce AMPs that eliminate competitors (sometimes from the same species), allowing them to occupy their niche.
AMPs hold promise as potential therapeutics and have already been used clinically as antiviral drugs (e.g., enfuvirtide and telaprevir). AMPs that exhibit immunomodulatory properties are currently undergoing clinical trials, as are peptides that may be used to address yeast and bacterial infections (e.g., pexiganan, LL-37, and PAC-113). Although most AMPs display broad-spectrum activity, some are only active against closely related members of the same species or genus. Such AMPs are more targeted agents than conventional broad-spectrum antibiotics.Furthermore, contrary to conventional antibiotics, the evolution of resistance to many AMPs occurs at low rates and is not related to cross-resistance to other classes of widely used antibiotics.
The application of metagenomic analyses to the study of AMPs has been limited due to technical constraints, primarily stemming from the challenge of distinguishing genuine protein-coding sequences from false positives. Therefore, the significance of small open reading frames (smORFs) has been historically overlooked in (meta)genomic analyses.In recent years, significant progress has been made in metagenomic analyses of human-associated smORFs.These advancements have incorporated machine learning (ML) techniques to identify smORFs encoding proteins belonging to specific functional categories.Notably, a recent study used predicted smORFs to uncover approximately 2,000 AMPs from metagenomic samples of human gut microbiomes. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the human gut represents only a fraction of the overall microbial diversity, suggesting that there remains an immense potential for the discovery of AMPs from prokaryotes in the diverse range of habitats across the globe.
In this study, we employed ML to predict and catalog AMPs from the global microbiome as currently represented in public databases. By computationally exploring 63,410 publicly available metagenomes and 87,920 high-quality microbial genomes, we uncovered a vast array of AMP diversity. This resulted in the creation of the AMPSphere, a collection of 863,498 non-redundant peptide sequences, encompassing candidate AMPs (c_AMPs) derived from (meta)genomic data. Remarkably, the majority of these c_AMP sequences had not been previously described. Our analysis revealed that these c_AMPs were specific to particular habitats and were predominantly not core genes in the pangenome.
Moreover, we synthesized 100 c_AMPs from AMPSphere and found that 79 were active, with 63 exhibiting antimicrobial activity in vitro against clinically significant ESKAPEE pathogens, which are recognized as public health concerns., These peptides were further compared to encrypted peptides (EPs), which are peptide sequences hidden in protein sequences and mined computationally,, and demonstrated their ability to target bacterial membranes and their propensity to adopt α-helical and β-structures. Notably, the leading candidates displayed promising anti-infective activity in a preclinical animal model. Together, our work demonstrates the ability of ML approaches to identify functional AMPs from the global microbiome.


AMPSphere comprises almost 1 million c_AMPs from several habitats

AMPSphere incorporates c_AMPs predicted with ML using Macrel, a pipeline that uses random forests to predict AMPs from large peptide datasets with an emphasis on precision over recall. It was applied to 63,410 globally distributed publicly available metagenomes (Figure 1A; Table S1) and 87,920 high-quality bacterial and archaeal genomes. Sequences present in a single sample were removed, except when they had a significant match (defined as amino acid identity ≥75% and E-value ≤10⁻⁵) to a sequence in the AMP-dedicated database Data Repository of Antimicrobial Peptides (DRAMP) version 3.0. This resulted in 5,518,294 genes, 0.1% of the total predicted smORFs, coding for 863,498 non-redundant c_AMPs (on average 37 ± 8 residues long; Figures 1A and S1). Similar to validated sequences with antimicrobial activity,,, c_AMPs from AMPSphere present a positive charge (4.7 ± 2.6), high isoelectric point (10.9 ± 1.2), amphiphilicity (hydrophobic moment, 0.6 ± 0.1), and a potential to bind to membranes or other proteins (Boman index, 1.14 ± 1.1). As expected, in general, the distribution of physicochemical properties of peptides from AMPSphere, DRAMP version 3.0, and the positive training dataset used in Macrel are more similar to each other than to the negative training set (assumed to not be AMPs). Nonetheless, c_AMPs from AMPSphere are on average longer (37 ± 8 residues) than those in DRAMP version 3.0 (28 ± 22 residues), and we observed differences in the distribution of other features (e.g., charge, aliphaticity, amphipathicity, and isoelectric point; Figure S1).
Figure thumbnail gr1
Figure 1AMPSphere comprises 836,498 non-redundant c_AMPs from thousands of metagenomes and high-quality microbial genomes
Figure thumbnail figs1
Figure S1General physical-chemical features of c_AMPs in AMPSphere and validated databases of antimicrobial peptides, related to
We subsequently estimated the quality of the smORF predictions and detected 20% (172,840) of the c_AMP sequences in independent publicly available metaproteomes or metatranscriptomes (Figures 2 and S2A; see STAR Methods section “Quality control of c_AMPs”) belonging to several habitats included in the AMPSphere, such as the human gut, plants, and others (Table S6). We then subjected all c_AMPs to a bundle of in silico quality tests (see STAR Methods section “Quality control of c_AMPs”). A subset of c_AMPs (9.2% or 80,213 c_AMPs) passed all of them, and this subset is hereafter designated as high-quality. Testing with other AMP prediction systems (AMPScanner v2,), we observed that 98.4% (849,703 peptides) of AMPSphere c_AMPs were also predicted as AMPs by at least one other AMP prediction system. Approximately 15% (132,440 out of 863,498 peptides) of AMPSphere c_AMPs were co-predicted by all methods used.
Figure thumbnail gr2
Figure 2Quality control of AMPSphere candidates
Figure thumbnail figs2
Figure S2c_AMP quality and habitat distribution, related to and
Only 0.7% of the identified c_AMPs (6,339 peptides) are homologous (operationally defined as amino acid identity ≥75% and E-value ≤10⁻⁵) to experimentally validated AMP sequences in DRAMP version 3.0. Moreover, most c_AMPs were also absent from protein databases not specific to AMPs (Figure 1B), such as the Small Proteins database (SmProt2) or the Global Microbiome Gene Catalog of canonical-length proteins (GMGCv1), suggesting that c_AMPs represent a region of peptide sequence space that is not present in these other databases. In total, we could find only 73,774 (8.5%) c_AMPs with homologs in any of the databases we considered. High-quality c_AMPs were detected in public databases at a higher frequency than general c_AMPs (2.5-fold, pHypergom. = 4.2 × 10−250; Figure 1B), with 23,012 out of the 80,213 high-quality c_AMPs having a match in another database. However, it is notable that 76.4% (4,843 peptides out of 6,339) of those c_AMPs that have a homolog in DRAMP version 3.0 (and, therefore, are highly likely to be functional) are not high-quality c_AMPs. Thus, while our quality tests do enrich for validated sequences, a failure to pass the tests is not a sufficient reason to conclude that the sequence is not active.
To put c_AMPs in an evolutionary context, we hierarchically clustered peptides using a reduced amino acid alphabet of 8 letters. The three sequence clustering levels adopted identity cutoffs of 100%, 85%, and 75% (Figure S3). At the 75% identity level, we obtained 521,760 protein clusters, of which 405,547 were singletons, corresponding to 47% of all c_AMPs from AMPSphere. A total of 78,481 (19.3%) of these singletons were detected in metatranscriptomes or metaproteomes from various sources, indicating that they were not artifacts. The large number of singletons suggests that most c_AMPs originated from processes other than diversification within families, which is the opposite of the hypothesized origin of full-length proteins, in which singleton families are rare. The 8,788 clusters with ≥8 peptides obtained at 75% of identity are hereafter named “families,” as in Sberro et al. Among them, we considered 6,499 as high-quality families because they contained evidence of translation or transcription or because ≥75% of their sequences pass all in silico quality tests, regardless of whether experimental evidence is available (see STAR Methods section “AMP families”). These high-quality families span 15.4% of the AMPSphere (133,309 peptides).
Figure thumbnail figs3
Figure S3Clustering validation of families, related to STAR Methods section “
All the c_AMPs predicted here can be accessed at Users can retrieve the peptide sequences, ORFs, and predicted biochemical properties of each c_AMP (e.g., molecular weight, isoelectric point, and net charge at pH 7.0). We also provide the distribution across geographical regions, habitats, and microbial species for each c_AMP.

c_AMPs are rare and habitat-specific

The AMPSphere spans 72 different habitats, which were classified into eight high-level habitat groups, e.g., soil/plant (36.6% of c_AMPs in AMPSphere), aquatic (24.8%), and human gut (13%; Figure 1A; Table S2). Most of the habitats, except for the human gut, appear to be far from saturated in terms of discovered c_AMPs (Figure 1C). In fact, most AMPs are rare (median number of detections is 99, or 0.17% of the dataset; when restricted to high-quality c_AMPs, the median number of detections is 81, or 0.14% of the dataset), with 83.97% being observed in <1% of samples (Figure S2). Only 10.8% (93,280) of c_AMPs were detected in more than one high-level habitat group (henceforth termed “multi-habitat c_AMPs”); this fraction is 7.25-fold smaller than would be expected by a random assignment of habitats to samples (pPermutation < 10−300; see STAR Methods section “Multi-habitat and rare c_AMPs”). Even within high-level habitat groups, c_AMPs overlap between habitats much less frequently than expected by chance (2.4–192-fold less, pPermutation < 5.4 × 10−50; see STAR Methods section “Testing c_AMPs overlap across habitats”; Figure 1D).

Mutations in larger genes generate c_AMPs as independent genomic entities

Many AMPs are generated post-translationally by the fragmentation of larger proteins. For example, EPs are computationally detected fragments from protein sequences within the human proteome and other proteomes that have been shown to be highly active., EPs present diverse secondary structures and act on the membrane of bacterial cells similarly to known natural AMPs but have different physicochemical features compared to known AMPs., AMPSphere only considered peptides encoded by dedicated genes. Nonetheless, we hypothesized that some of these have originated from larger proteins by fragmentation at the genomic level. To explore this, we aligned the AMPSphere c_AMPs to the full-length proteins in GMGCv1 and observed that about 7% (61,020) of them are homologous to a canonical-length protein (Figure 1B), with 27% of these hits sharing the start codon with the longer protein. This suggests early termination of full-length proteins as one mechanism for generating novel c_AMPs (Figures 3A and 3B ).
Figure thumbnail gr3
Figure 3Mutations in genes encoding large proteins generate c_AMPs as independent genomic entities
To investigate the function of the full-length proteins homologous to AMPs, we mapped the matching proteins from GMGCv1 to orthologous groups (OGs) from eggNOG 5.0. We identified 3,792 (out of 43,789) OGs significantly enriched (pHypergeom. < 0.05, after multiple hypothesis corrections with the Holm-Sidak method) among the hits from AMPSphere. Although OGs of unknown function comprise 53.8% of all identified OGs, when considered individually, these OGs are on average smaller than OGs in other categories. Thus, despite each OG having a relatively small number of c_AMP hits, when compared to the background distribution of the OGs in GMGCv1, OGs of unknown function were the most enriched among the c_AMP hits, with an average enrichment of 10,857-fold (pMann ≤ 3.9 × 10−4; Figure 3C; Table S3).

c_AMP genes may arise after gene duplication events

We next raised the question of whether c_AMPs would be predominantly present in specific genomic contexts. To investigate the functions of the neighboring genes of the c_AMPs, we mapped them against 169,484 genomes included in a recent study. A total of 38.9% (21,465 out of 55,191) of c_AMPs with more than two homologs in different genomes in the database showed phylogenetically conserved genomic context with genes of known function (see STAR Methods section “Genomic context conservation analysis”). This holds true for curated versions of the catalog: 35.32% of high-quality c_AMPs and 32.06% of high-quality c_AMPs with experimental evidence show conserved genomic neighbors. These conservation values are similar to that of 3,899,674 gene families with more than two homologs calculated de novo on the gene catalog (34.4%), indicating that the genomic location of c_AMPs is not random.
Despite being involved in similar processes, c_AMPs were generally depleted from conserved genomic contexts involving known systems of antibiotic synthesis and resistance, even when compared to small protein families (Figure 4). Instead, we found that c_AMPs are encoded in conserved genomic contexts with ribosomal genes (23.6%) at a higher frequency than other gene families (4.75%; Figure 4A; Table S4).
Figure thumbnail gr4
Figure 4The genome context of c_AMPs shows a preference for neighborhoods containing ribosome assembly proteins
Most of the c_AMPs (2,201 out of 2,642) in a conserved context with ribosomal subunits are homologous to ribosomal proteins (Figure 4D), congruent with the observation that in some species, ribosomal proteins have antimicrobial properties. Seventy-seven c_AMPs homologous to ribosomal proteins were also homologous to a ribosomal gene in their immediate vicinity (up to 1 gene up/downstream). This phenomenon is not exclusive to ribosomal proteins: 1,951 c_AMPs can be annotated to the same KEGG Orthologous Group (KO) as some of their immediate neighbors and may have originated from gene duplication events. This shared annotation was interpreted in this context as evidence for a common evolutionary origin and not as a functional prediction for the c_AMPs. These duplications may have arisen by recombination of flanking homologous sequences, which can happen during cell division.Interestingly, 1,635 (83.8%) of these c_AMPs are located upstream of the neighbor with the same KO annotation. Different permeases and transposases are the most common KOs assigned to c_AMPs and their neighbors (400 and 125 c_AMPs, respectively; see Table S5).

Most c_AMPs are members of the accessory pangenome

We observed that only a small portion (5.9%, pPermutation = 4.8 × 10−3, NSpecies = 416) of c_AMP families present in ProGenomes2 are contained in ≥95% of genomes from the same species (Figure 5), here referred to as “core.” This is consistent with previous work, in which AMP production was observed to be strain-specific. In contrast, a high proportion (circa 68.8%) of full-length protein families are core in ProGenomes2 species. There is a 1.9-fold greater chance (pFisher = 2.2 × 10−92) that a pair of genomes from the same species share at least one c_AMP when they belong to the same strain (99.5% ≤ ANI <99.99%).
Figure thumbnail gr5
Figure 5AMP variation in AMPSphere database is taxonomy-dependent
One example of this strain-specific behavior is AMP10.018_194, the only c_AMP found in Mycoplasma pneumoniae genomes. M. pneumoniae strains are traditionally classified into two groups based on their P1 adhesin gene. Of the 76 M. pneumoniae genomes present in our study, 29 were classified as type-1, 29 were classified as type-2, and the remaining 18 were undetermined in this classification system (see STAR Methods section “Determination of accessory AMPs”). Twenty-six of the 29 type-2 genomes contain AMP10.018_194, as did 2 undetermined type genomes, but none of the type-1 genomes contain this AMP.

More transmissible species have lower c_AMP density

We investigated the taxonomic composition of AMPSphere by annotating contigs with the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) taxonomy, (see STAR Methods section “c_AMP density in microbial species”), which resulted in 570,187 c_AMPs being annotated to a genus or species. The genera contributing the most c_AMPs to AMPSphere were Prevotella (18,593 c_AMPs), Bradyrhizobium (11,846 c_AMPs), Pelagibacter (6,675 c_AMPs), Faecalibacterium (5,917 c_AMPs), and CAG-110 (5,254 c_AMPs; see Figure 5). This distribution reflects the fact that these genera are among those that contribute the most assembled sequences in our dataset (all occupying percentiles above 99.75% among the assembled genera). Therefore, we calculated the c_AMP density (
) by determining the number of c_AMP genes per megabase pairs of assembled sequence. To avoid bias due to the unequal sampling of habitats, we included all the sequences predicted by Macrel in each sample, including singleton sequences that were subsequently removed and are not part of AMPSphere.
To further explore the importance of AMP production in ecological processes, we investigated the role of AMPs in the mother-to-child transmissibility of bacterial species in a recently published paper by correlating the
for each bacterial species to the published measures of microbial transmission. Human gut bacteria showed increased transmissibility at lower AMP densities (RSpearman = −0.42, pHolm-Sidak = 3.4 × 10−2, NSpecies = 43). Similarly, in human oral microbiome bacterial species, transmissibility from mother to offspring is consistently inversely correlated with their for the first year (RSpearman = −0.55, pHolm-Sidak = 1.4 × 10−3, NSpecies = 41). This suggests that human gut bacteria and oral microbiome bacterial species show increased transmissibility at lower . Moreover, it highlights the potential influence of
on the transmissibility of gut and oral microbiota, suggesting a link between AMPs and the transmission success rates of microbial species.

Physicochemical features and secondary structure of AMPs

To investigate the properties and structure of the synthesized peptides, we first compared their amino acid composition to AMPs from available databases of experimentally verified sequences (DRAMP version 3.0, Database of Antimicrobial Activity and Structure of Peptides [DBAASP], and Antimicrobial Peptides Database [APD] version 3). Overall, the composition was similar, as was expected, given that Macrel’s ML model was trained using known AMPs. Notably, AMPSphere sequences displayed a slightly higher abundance of aliphatic amino acid residues, specifically alanine and valine. However, these AMPSphere sequences consistently differed (Figure 6A) from EPs.,, The resemblances in amino acid composition between the identified c_AMPs and known AMPs suggested similar physicochemical characteristics and secondary structures, both of which are recognized for their influence on antimicrobial activity. The c_AMPs exhibited comparable hydrophobicity, net charge, and amphiphilicity to AMPs sourced from databases (Figure S1). Furthermore, they displayed a slight propensity for disordered conformations (Figure 6B) and had a lower net positive charge compared to other EPs (Figure 6A).
Figure thumbnail gr6
Figure 6Amino acid composition, structure, antimicrobial activity, and mechanism of action of c_AMPs
To evaluate the structural and antimicrobial properties of c_AMPs from AMPSphere, we first filtered the AMPSphere for peptides that were predicted as suitable for in vitro assays due to their solubility in aqueous solution and ease of chemical synthesis. We chose a set of high-quality AMPs with 50 peptide sequences based on their prevalence and taxonomic diversity (see STAR Methods section “Peptide selection for synthesis and testing”). Additionally, to provide an unbiased evaluation of the peptides we report here, we first excluded any peptides with a homolog in one of the published databases and then randomly selected 50 additional peptides from the AMPSphere, including 25 peptides with AMP probabilities of at least 0.6 (as reported by Macrel) and 25 peptides with lower probabilities (0.5–0.6).
Subsequently, we conducted experimental assessments of the secondary structure of the active c_AMPs using circular dichroism (Figures 6B and S4). Similar to AMPs documented in databases, peptides derived from AMPSphere exhibited different propensities for adopting α-helical structures; also, some of them were unstructured or adopted β-antiparallel conformations in all media analyzed. Notably, they also displayed an unusually high content of β-antiparallel structures in both water and methanol/water mixtures (Figure 6B) despite their amino acid composition similarities to AMPs and EPs. We attribute these findings to the slightly elevated occurrence of alanine and valine residues, which are known to favor β-like structures with a preference for β-antiparallel conformation.

Validation of c_AMPs as potent antimicrobials through in vitro assays

Next, we tested the 100 synthesized peptides against 11 clinically relevant pathogenic strains encompassing Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli (including one colistin-resistant strain), Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus (including one methicillin-resistant strain), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis, and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Our initial screening revealed that 63 AMPs (out of 100 synthesized) completely eradicated the growth of at least one of the pathogens tested (Figure 6C). Remarkably, in some cases, the AMPs were active at concentrations as low as 1 μmol L−1, close to the peptide antibiotic polymyxin B and the antibiotic levofloxacin that were used as positive controls in all experiments (Figure S4A). The Gram-negative bacteria A. baumannii and E. coli, as well as the Gram-positive vancomycin-resistant strains E. faecalis and E. faecium, displayed higher susceptibility to the AMPs, with 39, 24, 21, and 26 peptide hits, respectively. However, none of the tested AMPs affected methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) (Figure 6C). We also synthesized and tested the scrambled versions of five of the most active peptides from the high-quality group for antimicrobial activity (i.e., actinomycin-1, enterococcin-1, lachnospirin-1, proteobacticin-1, and synechocucin-1). All scrambled versions were inactive except for lachnospirin-1_scrambled, which presented modest activity against A. baumannii at 32 μmol L−1 (16 times higher concentration compared to its parent peptide lachnospirin-1; Figure S5A). These results underscore the importance of the specific sequence of these peptides to exert their antimicrobial activity. To further explore the influence of sequence on structure, we assessed the secondary structure tendency of the scrambled peptides using circular dichroism. We noticed a decrease in helical fraction for sequences with higher helical content (enterococcin-1, lachnospirin-1, and synechocucin-1), while the predominately random coiled sequences actinomycin-1 and proteobactin-1, as well as their scrambled counterparts, showed similar secondary structural sequences in all media analyzed (Figures S5B–S5E). These results suggest a lack of correlation between secondary structure and antimicrobial activity of the AMPs derived from AMPSphere.
Figure thumbnail figs4
Figure S4Antimicrobial activity of polymyxin B and levofloxacin and circular dichroism spectra of the c_AMPs, related to STAR Methods section “
Figure thumbnail figs5
Figure S5Antimicrobial activity and secondary structure of scrambled versions of some of the lead c_AMPs, related to and

The growth of human gut commensals is impaired by c_AMPs

We screened the AMPs against eight of the most relevant members of the human gut microbiota associated with human health.,,,, We tested commensal bacteria belonging to four phyla (Verrucomicrobiota, Bacteroidota, Actinomycetota, and Bacillota), i.e., Akkermansia muciniphila, Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Bacteroides uniformis, Phocaeicola vulgatus (formerly Bacteroides vulgatus), Collinsella aerofaciens, Clostridium scindens, and Parabacteroides distasonis.
While it is commonly observed that known natural AMPs do not target microbiome strains, our study found that 58 of the synthesized AMPs (58%) demonstrated inhibitory effects on at least one commensal strain at low concentrations (8–16 μmol L−1). Although this concentration range was higher than that observed for the most active peptides against pathogens (1–4 μmol L−1), it still falls within the highly active range of AMPs based on previous studies,, (Figure 6C). Interestingly, all the analyzed gut microbiome strains were susceptible to at least four c_AMPs, with strains of A. muciniphila, B. uniformis, P. vulgatus, C. aerofaciens, C. scindens, and P. distasonis exhibiting the highest susceptibility. In total, 79 AMPs (out of 100 synthesized peptides) demonstrated antimicrobial activity against pathogens and/or commensals. We also screened scrambled sequences of five of the highly active peptides from the high-quality group against gut commensals. Similarly to the results obtained against pathogenic strains (Figure S5), only lachnospirin-1_scrambled was modestly active against C. scindens at 64 μmol L−1 (Figure S5A).

Permeabilization and depolarization of the bacterial membrane by c_AMPs from AMPSphere

To gain insights into the mechanism of action responsible for the antimicrobial activity observed in the peptides derived from AMPSphere (Figure 6C), we conducted experiments to assess their ability to permeabilize and depolarize the outer and cytoplasmic membranes of bacteria at their minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). Specifically, we investigated the effects of all 39 peptides that showed activity against A. baumannii (Figures 6D and 6E) and 6 peptides with antimicrobial activity on P. aeruginosa (Figures S6A and S6B). For comparison and as a control, we used polymyxin B, a peptide antibiotic known for its membrane permeabilization and depolarization properties.
Figure thumbnail figs6
Figure S6Mechanism of action of AMPSphere peptides and anti-infective activity of c_AMPs in a preclinical animal model, related to and
To investigate the potential permeabilization of the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria by the selected AMPs, we conducted 1-(N-phenylamino)naphthalene (NPN) uptake assays. NPN is a lipophilic fluorophore that exhibits increased fluorescence in the presence of lipids found within bacterial outer membranes. The uptake of NPN indicates membrane permeabilization and damage. Among the 39 peptides evaluated for activity against A. baumannii, 10 peptides caused significant permeabilization of the outer membrane, resulting in fluorescence levels at least 50% higher than that of polymyxin B (Figure 6D) after 45 min of exposure. In the case of P. aeruginosa cells, four out of the six tested peptides showed higher permeabilization than polymyxin B (Figure S6A).
To evaluate the potential membrane depolarization effect of the selected AMPs from AMPSphere, we utilized the fluorescent dye 3,3′-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine iodide (DiSC3-[5]). Among the peptides tested against A. baumannii, bogicin-1 (AMP10.364_543), ampspherin-2 (AMP10.615_023), and marinobacticin-1 (AMP10.321_460) exhibited greater cytoplasmic membrane depolarization than polymyxin B, and among the ones tested against P. aeruginosa, all peptides tested exhibited greater cytoplasmic membrane depolarization than polymyxin B (Figure 6B). Interestingly, all the tested AMPSphere peptides displayed a characteristic crescent-shaped depolarization pattern compared to polymyxin B, with lower levels of depolarization observed during the first 20 min of exposure followed by an increase in depolarization over time (Figures 6E and S6B). Taken together, these results indicate that the kinetics of cytoplasmic membrane depolarization are slower compared to the kinetics of outer membrane permeabilization, which occurs rapidly upon interaction with the bacterial cells.
Our findings indicate that the tested AMPs from AMPSphere primarily exert their effects by permeabilizing the outer membrane rather than depolarizing the cytoplasmic membrane, revealing a similar mechanism of action to that observed for classical AMPs and EPs from the human proteome.

AMPs exhibit anti-infective efficacy in a mouse model

Next, we tested the anti-infective efficacy of AMPSphere-derived peptides in a skin abscess murine infection model (Figure 7A). Mice were subjected to infection with A. baumannii, a dangerous Gram-negative pathogen known for causing severe infections in various body sites including the bloodstream, lungs, urinary tract, and wounds. Ten lead AMPs from different sources displayed potent in vitro activity against A. baumannii: synechocucin-1 (AMP10.000_211, 8 μmol L−1) from Synechococcus sp. (coral-associated, marine microbiome); proteobacticin-1 (AMP10.048_551, 16 μmol L−1) from Pseudomonadota (plant and soil microbiome); actynomycin-1 (AMP10.199_072, 64 μmol L−1) from Actinomyces (human mouth and saliva microbiome); lachnospirin-1 (AMP10.015_742, 2 μmol L−1) from Lachnospira sp. (human gut microbiome); enterococcin-1 (AMP10.051_911, 1 μmol L−1) from Enterococcus faecalis (human gut microbiome); alphaprotecin-1 (AMP10.316_798, 1 μmol L−1) from Alphaproteobacteria (aquatic microbiome); oscillospirin (AMP10.771_988, 8 μmol L−1) from Oscillospiraceae (pig gut microbiome); ampspherin-4 (AMP10.466_287, 8 μmol L−1) from an unknown source; methylocellin-1 (AMP10.446_571, 2 μmol L−1) from Methylocella sp. (soil microbiome); and reyranin-1 (AMP10.337_875, 16 μmol L−1) from Reyranella (plant and soil microbiome). The skin abscess infection was established with a bacterial load of 20 μL of A. baumannii cells at 106 colony-forming units (CFUs) mL−1 onto the wounded area of the dorsal epidermis (Figure 7A). A single dose of each peptide at their respective MIC value obtained in vitro (Figures 6C and S4A) was administered to the infected area. Two days post-infection, synechocucin-1, actynomycin-1, and oscillosporin-1 presented bacteriostatic activity, inhibiting the proliferation of A. baumannii cells, whereas lachnospirin-1, enterococcin-1, ampspherin-4, and reyranin-1 presented bactericidal activity close to that of the antibiotic polymyxin B (at 5 μmol L−1), reducing the CFU counts by 3–4 orders of magnitude (Figure 7B). Four days post-infection, synechocucin-1, lachnospirin-1, enterococcin-1, and ampspherin-4 presented a bacteriostatic effect close to that of the antibiotic polymyxin B, reducing the CFU counts by 2–3 orders of magnitude compared to the untreated control (Figure S6C). These results highlight the anti-infective potential of the tested peptides from AMPSphere as they were administered at a single time immediately after the establishment of the abscess. Mouse weight was monitored as a proxy for toxicity, and no significant changes were observed (Figures 7C and S6D), suggesting that the peptides tested were not toxic.
Figure thumbnail gr7
Figure 7Anti-infective activity of AMPs in preclinical animal model


Here, we used ML to identify nearly a million candidate AMPs in the global microbiome. Building on previous studies that focused specifically on the human gut microbiome,,, we cataloged AMPs from the global microbiome across 63,410 publicly available metagenomes as well as 87,920 high-quality microbial genomes from the ProGenomes2 database. This led to the creation of AMPSphere (, an open-access and publicly available resource encompassing 863,498 non-redundant peptides and 6,499 high-quality AMP families from 72 different habitats, including marine and soil environments and the human gut. Most of the c_AMPs (91.5%) were previously unknown and lacked detectable homologs in other databases, and about one in five had evidence of translation and/or transcription, as they could be detected in independent publicly available sets of metatranscriptomes or metaproteomes.
We designed a set of tests to capture higher-quality predictions, but many peptides failed these tests despite evidence that they were active, including our own in vitro data and the existence of validated homologs in external databases. Low-prevalence peptides will be less likely to pass the tests (RNAcode requires multiple variants), which is independent of their activity and influenced by sampling biases.
Focusing on candidate AMPs that are directly encoded in the genome enabled in vitro and in vivo testing using chemical synthesis without post-translational modifications, but there are other processes that generate active peptides, such as encrypted peptides (EPs), which we used as a comparison point. Notably, the amino acid composition and physicochemical characteristics of the validated AMPs from AMPSphere differed from those of recently identified in EPs. Two evolutionary mechanisms by which AMPs may be generated were explored. First, mutations in genes encoding longer proteins could generate gene fragments via truncation. Among the enriched ortholog groups of proteins from GMGCv1 homologous to c_AMPs, we observed that a majority of groups had unknown function (53.8%), similar to what was reported by Sberro et al. for small proteins from the human gut microbiome. The second mechanism is that a small protein gene could undergo a duplication followed by mutation, which we observed in the case of ribosomal proteins. Ribosomal proteins can harbor antimicrobial activity, possibly due to their amyloidogenic properties. Other origins of AMPs may be horizontal gene transfer or ancestral non-coding sequences.
Nonetheless, the majority of identified AMPs did not have a detectable homolog in other databases. The lack of observed homology may be due to limitations in our ability to robustly detect these homology relationships in small sequences, but there is also the possibility that small proteins, such as AMPs, may be more likely to be generated de novo compared to longer proteins and may have repeatedly evolved in various taxa. This may also be an explanation for the large fraction of c_AMPs in the AMPSphere that do not cluster with any other sequences.
We observed that c_AMPs from AMPSphere were habitat-specific and mostly accessory members of microbial pangenomes. Furthermore, four out of the five genera with the most c_AMPs present in AMPSphere share a host-associated lifestyle, and three of these (Prevotella, Faecalibacterium, and CAG-110) are common in animal hosts,, (Figure 5).
Valles-Colomer et al., who recently analyzed a large collection of human-associated metagenomes, provide a species-specific index of transmissibility for the several transmission scenarios they study (e.g., mother to infant). Hypothesizing that AMP production may be related to transmission, we correlated the species-specific
calculated in AMPSphere with transmission scores. In both the human gut and oral microbiomes, species with higher
are less transmissible, possibly because AMPs confer protection against strain replacement. Taken together, these results validate the applicability of AMPSphere in the study of microbial ecology, as they suggest a role for AMPs in determining the transmissibility and colonization ability of microbes, which warrants further investigation and validation in future work.
Finally, we experimentally validated predictions made by our ML model and found that 79 (out of 100) synthesized AMPs displayed antimicrobial activity against either pathogens or commensals. Nonetheless, notably, four peptides (cagicin-1, cagicin-4, and enterococcin-1 against A. baumannii and cagicin-1 and lachnospirin-1 against vancomycin-resistant E. faecium) presented MIC values as low as 1 μmol L−1, comparable to the MICs of some of the most potent peptides previously described in the literature.,
We show that the tested AMPs from AMPSphere tended to target clinically relevant Gram-negative pathogens and showed activity against vancomycin-resistant E. faecium. Although conventional AMPs do not target bacteria from the human gut microbiome, tested AMPs from AMPSphere showed efficacy against commensal bacteria, suggesting potential ecological implications of peptides as protective agents for their producing organisms and their ability to reconfigure microbiome communities.
When assessing their activity in vivo, three peptides exhibited anti-infective efficacy in a murine infection model, with lachnospirin-1 and enterococcin-1 being the most potent, resulting in a reduction of bacterial load by up to three orders of magnitude. The active peptides included those derived from both human-associated and environmental microbiota, validating our approach of investigating the global microbiome. Overall, our findings unveil a wide array of AMP sequences without matches in other databases, highlighting the potential of machine learning in the discovery of much-needed antimicrobials.

Limitations of the study

We focused on a particular category of AMPs, namely peptides encoded by their own genes and composed of up to 100 amino acids, which does not cover all active peptides. We explored the global microbiome as represented in public databases, and certain habitats and areas of the globe have been significantly more explored than others. This uneven coverage also impacts our quality estimates, as they depend on data availability. We will, however, continue to update the resource as newer genomes and metagenomes are made available. We report results based on finding homologs to our peptides, but matching small sequences to large databases has a higher rate of errors (particularly missed matches) than is the case for longer sequences. Our results on the transmissibility of microbial strains and AMP density were intended to demonstrate the value of AMPSphere as a resource, but a full validation of this link will be the focus of future work. Finally, we tested peptides in vitro and in vivo against a panel of bacteria. Given that we observed species- and even strain-specific responses, it is possible that peptides for which we did not observe any activity would have been active against strains not tested here.


Key resources table

Bacterial and virus strains
Acinetobacter baumanniiAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC 19606
Escherichia coliAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC 11775
Escherichia coliEscherichia coli MG1655 phnE_2:FRTAIC221
Escherichia coliEscherichia coli MG1655 pmrA53 phnE_2:FRT (polymyxin-resistant; colistin-resistant strain)AIC222
Klebsiella pneumoniaeAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC 13883
Pseudomonas aeruginosaN/APAO1
Pseudomonas aeruginosaN/APA14
Staphylococcus aureusAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC 12600
Staphylococcus aureusAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC BAA-1556 (methicillin-resistant strain)
Akkermansia muciniphilaAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC BAA-635
Bacteroides fragilisAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC 25285
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicronAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC 29148
Bacteroides uniformisAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC 8492
Bacteroides vulgatus (Phocaeicola vulgatus)American Type Culture CollectionATCC 8482
Collinsella aerofaciensAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC 25986
Clostridium scindensAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC 35704
Parabacteroides distasonisAmerican Type Culture CollectionATCC 8503
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
Luria-Bertani brothBD244620
Tryptic soy brothSigmaT8907-1KG
MacConkey agarRPIM42560–500.0
Phosphate buffer salineSigmaP3913-10PAK
3,3′-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine iodideSigma43608
Potassium chloride (KCl)SigmaP3911
Deposited data
Code for generation of AMPSphereThis study
AMPSphere databaseThis study
Experimental models: Organisms/strains
Mouse: CD-1Charles River18679700–022
Software and algorithms
NGLess 1.3.0Coelho et al.
JUG 2.1.1Coelho
Prodigal 2.6.3Hyatt et al.
Macrel v.1.0.0Santos-Júnior et al.
CDHit 4.8.1Fu et al.
MMseqs2Steinegger and Söding
python 3.8.2Van Rossum
matplotlib 3.4.3Hunter
numpy 1.21.2Harris et al.
pandas 1.3.2McKinney
plotly 5.2.1Plotly Technologies Inc, 2015
scipy 1.7.1Virtanen et al.
scikit-learn 0.24Pedregosa et al.
scikit-bio 0.5.6The scikit-bio development team, 2020
BioPython 1.7.9Cock et al.
eggnog-mapper v2Cantalapiedra et al.
HMMer 3.3+dfsg2-1Eddy
FastTree 2.1Price et al.
FastANI v.1.33Jain et al.
Megahit 1.2.9Li et al.
AMPlifyLi et al.
AmpirFingerhut et al.
AMPScanner v2Veltri et al.
APINSu et al.
amPEPpy 1.0Lawrence et al.
AI4AMPLin et al.
RNAcode 0.2-betaWashietl et al.
Bwa v.0.7.17Li et al.
Statsmodels 0.14.0Seabold and Perktold
mOTUs2Milanese et al.
SAMtools 1.18Li et al.
BEDtools v2.31.0Quinlan and Hall
Clustal Omega 1.2.2Sievers et al.
Diamond v2.1.8Buchfink et al.
Blast+ 2.13.0Camacho et al.
ProGenomes2Mende et al.
DRAMP - Data repository of antimicrobial peptides 3.0Shi et al.
UniprotKB 2021_03The UniProt Consortium
Eggnog v.5.0Huerta-Cepas et al.
SmProt database v.2.0Hao et al.
StarPep45kAguilera-Mendoza et al.
PFAM 33.1.Mistry et al.
AntiFAM v.7.0Eberhardt et al.
GTDB 07-RS95Parks et al.,
NCBI release 207NCBI Resource Coordinators
Database of Antimicrobial Activity and Structure of Peptides - DBAASPPirtskhalava et al.
Antimicrobial peptides database - APD3Wang and Wang
Salmonella Typhimurium small ORFs - STsORFsVenturini et al.
CARD - Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance DatabaseAlcock et al.
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) release 102Kanehisa et al.
Biosamples databaseCourtot et al.
European Nucleotide Archive - ENAHarrison et al.
Proteomics Identification Database - PRIDEJones et al.

Resource availability

Lead contact

Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the lead contact Luis Pedro Coelho (

Materials availability

This study did not generate new unique reagents.

Data and code availability

  • Metagenomes and Genomes data are publicly available at the European Nucleotide Archives (ENA) as of the date of publication. Their accession numbers are listed in Table S1. AMPSphere is available as a public online resource (, and its files have been deposited in Zenodo and are publicly available as of the date of publication. DOIs are listed in the key resources table.
  • All original code has been deposited at Zenodo and is publicly available as of the date of publication. DOIs are listed in the key resources table.
  • Any additional information required to reanalyze the data reported in this paper is available from the lead contact upon request.

Experimental model and study participant details

Bacterial strains and growth conditions

The pathogenic strains Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 19606, Escherichia coli ATCC 11775, Escherichia coli AIC221 [Escherichia coli MG1655 phnE_2FRT (control strain for AIC 222)], Escherichia coli AIC222 [Escherichia coli MG1655 pmrA53 phnE_2FRT (polymyxin-resistant; colistin-resistant strain)], Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 13883, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 12600, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC BAA-1556 (methicillin-resistant strain), Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 700802 (vancomycin-resistant strain), and Enterococcus faecium ATCC 700221 (vancomycin-resistant strain) were grown and plated on Luria-Bertani (LB) agar plates and incubated overnight at 37°C from frozen stocks. After incubation, one isolated colony was transferred to 6 mL of medium (LB), and cultures were incubated overnight (16 h) at 37°C. The following day, inocula were prepared by diluting the overnight cultures 1:100 in 6 mL of the respective media and incubating them at 37°C until bacteria reached logarithmic phase (OD600 = 0.3–0.5).
The gut commensal strains Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-635, Bacteroides fragilis ATCC 25285, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron ATCC 29148, Bacteroides uniformis ATCC 8492, Bacteroides vulgatus ATCC 8482 (Phocaeicola vulgatus), Collinsella aerofaciens ATCC 25986, Clostridium scindens ATCC 35704, and Parabacteroides distasonis ATCC 8503 were grown in brain heart infusion (BHI) agar plates enriched with 0.1% (v/v) vitamin K3 (1 mg mL−1), 1% (v/v) hemin (1 mg mL−1, diluted with 10 mL of 1 N sodium hydroxide), and 10% (v/v) L-cysteine (0.05 mg mL−1), from frozen stocks and incubated overnight at 37°C. Resazurin was used as an oxygen indicator. After the incubation period, a single isolated colony was transferred to 3 mL of BHI broth and incubated overnight at 37°C. The next day, inocula were prepared by diluting the bacterial overnight cultures 1:100 in 3 mL of BHI broth and incubated at 37°C until cells reached the logarithmic phase (OD600 = 0.3–0.5).

Skin abscess infection mouse model

To assess the anti-infective efficacy of the peptides against A. baumannii ATCC 19606 in a skin abscess infection mouse model, the bacteria were cultured in tryptic soy broth (TSB) medium until an OD600 of 0.5 was reached. Next, the cells were washed twice with sterile PBS (pH 7.4) and suspended to a final concentration of 5·106 colony-forming units (CFU) per mL−1. Six-week-old female CD-1 mice, after being anesthetized with isoflurane, were subjected to a superficial linear skin abrasion on their backs in an area that they could not touch with their mouth or limbs. An aliquot of 20 μL containing the bacterial load was then administered over the abraded area. A single dose of the peptides diluted in water at their MIC value was administered to the infected area 2 h after the infection. The animals were euthanized two- and four-days post-infection, and the infected area was extracted and homogenized for 20 min using a bead beater (25 Hz) and 10-fold serially diluted for CFU quantification on MacConkey agar plates for easy differentiation of A. baumannii colonies. The experimental groups consisted of 3 mice CD-1 per group (n = 3), all female, and each mouse was infected with an inoculum from a different colony to ensure variability. The animals were single caged to avoid cross-contamination. All the mice were used three days after arrival from the commercial provider. The skin abscess infection mouse model was approved by the University Laboratory Animal Resources (ULAR) from the University of Pennsylvania (Protocol 806763).

Method details

Selection of microbial (meta)genomes

Selection of metagenomes and genomes to compose the AMPSphere was similar to that adopted by Coelho et al., Public metagenomes available on 1 January 2020 produced with Illumina instruments (except for MiSeq, to ensure the consistency and reliability of the meta-analysis findings), with at least 2 million reads and, on average, 75 bp long, were downloaded from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA). These samples met two criteria: (1) they were tagged with taxonomy ID 408169 (for metagenome) or were a descendant of it in the taxonomic tree; and/or (2) they came from experiments with the library source listed as “METAGENOMIC”. Samples were grouped by project and all projects with at least 20 samples were included for analysis. Additionally, metagenomes deposited by the Integrated Microbial Genomes System (IMG) missing from ENA were also included. Metadata was manually curated from each sample’s describing literature and Biosamples database. For habitat classification groups were created based on the similarity of habitat conditions, such as air, anthropogenic, aquatic, host-associated, ph:alkaline, sediment, terrestrial, and others. The sample origins and information related to host species were obtained using the NCBI taxonomic identification number. High-quality microbial genomes were selected from ProGenomes2 database. The resulting 63,410 publicly available metagenomes and 87,920 high-quality microbial genomes are listed in Table S1.

Reads trimming and assembly

Reads were processed using NGLess, trimming positions with quality lower than 25 and discarding reads shorter than 60 bp post-trimming. Metagenomes obtained from a host-associated microbiome passed through a filtering of reads mapping to the host genome when available. Reads totaling more than 14.7 trillion base pairs of sequenced DNA were assembled with MEGAHIT 1.2.9 and the taxonomy of the 16,969,685,977 contigs generated was inferred as previously described, using MMSeqs2 to map the sequences against the GTDB release 95., Mapped taxonomy lineages were then manually curated to conform to the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes.,

smORF and AMP prediction

Analogously to Sberro et al., we used a modified version of Prodigal to predict smORFs (33–303 bp) from contigs. The 4,599,187,424 redundant smORFs, most of which (99.25%) originated in metagenomes, were then de-duplicated to optimize the computational resource usage, yielding 2,724,621,233 non-redundant smORFs. Macrel was run on the de-duplicated smORFs to predict c_AMPs. Singleton sequences (those appearing in a single sample or genome) were eliminated, except when they had a significant match (amino acid identity ≥75% and E-value ≤10−5) to a sequence from the Data Repository of Antimicrobial Peptides (DRAMP) version 3.0 using the ‘easy-search’ method from MMSeqs2. In total, AMPSphere encompassed 863,498 non-redundant predicted c_AMPs encoded by 5,518,294 redundant genes. AMP densities were estimated as the number of AMPs per assembled base pairs in a sample or a species.
AMP genes originating from ProGenomes2 had the taxonomy of the original genome assigned to them, whereas AMP genes from metagenomes were assigned the taxonomy predicted for the contig where they were found. Insights about potential structural conformations were obtained using the function secondary_structure_fraction from the ProtParam module implemented in the SeqUtils in Biopython. This function calculates the fraction of amino acids tend to assume conformations of helix [VIYFWL], turn [NPGS], and sheet [EMAL].

Clustering of AMP families

Clustering peptides by sequence identity is only possible at high identities as short low-/medium-identity matches are possible by chance. Therefore, aiming to recover matches where basic features are preserved even if individual amino acids are not identical,, we used a reduced amino acids alphabet of 8 letters - [LVIMC], [AG], [ST], [FYW], [EDNQ], [KR], [P], [H]. c_AMPs were hierarchically clustered after alphabet reduction using three sequential identity cutoffs (100%, 85%, and 75%) with CD-Hit. A cluster was considered an AMP family when it consisted of at least 8 sequences. Representative sequences of peptide clusters were selected according to their length (taking the longest) with ties being broken by their alphabetical order.
To validate this clustering procedure, we used a sample of 3,000 sequences randomly sampled from AMPSphere, excluding cluster representatives. These sequences were aligned against the representative sequence of their cluster using the Smith-Waterman algorithm with the BLOSUM 62 cost matrix, and gap open and extension penalties of −10 and −0.5, respectively. The alignment score was then converted to an E-value according to the model by Karlin and Altschul, which uses the values of κ (0.132539) and λ (0.313667) constants adjusted to search for a short input sequence as implemented in the BLAST algorithm., Alignments were considered significant if their E-value was less than 10−5. We found that more than 95.3% of alignments produced in the first two levels (100% and ≥85% of identity) were significant, along with 77.1% of those from the third level (≥75% of identity) – see Figure S3.

Quality control of c_AMPs

The c_AMPs in AMPSphere were submitted to another six AMP prediction systems (AMPScanner v2, ampir - with the model for mature peptides, amPEPpy, APIN – with their proposed model, AI4AMP, and AMPLify).
The genes of c_AMPs were subjected to five different quality tests to reduce the likelihood that the observed peptides were artifacts or fragments of larger proteins. Initially, the peptides were searched against AntiFam v.7.0 using HMMSearch, which was designed to identify commonly recurring spuriously predicted ORFs, with the option “--cut_ga”. Fewer than 0.05% of c_AMPs had any significant hits.
For each smORF, we searched for an in-frame stop codon upstream of its start codon. When no stop codon is found, we cannot rule out the possibility that the smORF is part of a larger gene which we cannot observe due to fragmented assembly. Most (68.4%) of the c_AMPs are encoded by at least one gene that is not terminally placed. However, the fact that a c_AMP is terminal does not imply that the given c_AMP is an artifact since the AMP genes are short enough to be recovered even in short contigs. For example, 72.9% (4,622/6,339) of homologs to DRAMP version 3.0 were found as terminal c_AMPs in AMPSphere.
The RNAcode program predicts protein-coding regions based on evolutionary signatures typical for protein genes. This analysis depends on a set of homologous and non-identical genes. Therefore, AMP clusters containing at least three gene variants were aligned. Given that an extensive portion of the AMPSphere candidates (53%; 459,910 out of 863,498) is not part of such a cluster, they could not be tested. Of the tested c_AMPs, 53% (215,421 out of 403,588) were considered genes with evolutionary traits of protein-coding sequences.
We then checked for evidence of transcription and/or translation using 221 publicly available metatranscriptomes, comprising human gut (142), peat (48), plant (13), and symbionts (17); and 109 publicly available metaproteomes from PRIDE database comprising from 37 habitats - Table S6. Using bwa v.0.7.17, reads from the metatranscriptomes were mapped against non-redundant AMP genes, and, using NGLess, we selected genes with at least one read mapped across a minimum of two samples to increase our confidence. This approach is similar to that adopted when predicting AMPs. Using regular expressions implemented in Python 3.8, k-mers of all AMPSphere peptides (with length equal to at least half the length of the sequence) were compared to peptide sequences in metaproteomics data. A perfect match between a k-mer and a metaproteomic peptide was considered additional evidence that this c_AMP is likely to be translated, as described by Ma et al. Briefly, the number of c_AMP peptides mapped against the set of metaproteomic samples was counted, and those c_AMP peptides with at least one match covering more than 50% of the peptide were marked as detected. c_AMPs with experimental evidence in metatranscriptomes and/or metaproteomes accounted for circa 20% of the AMPSphere.
The mapping of c_AMPs was performed without considering genomic context, which may have led to an overestimation of candidates being identified as potentially transcribed. For example, if they are homologous to longer proteins the presence of the longer gene may lead to a false positive detection of the shorter c_AMP. We investigated this using Fisher’s Exact Test to compare the percentage of AMP homologs to the GMGCv1 database with experimental evidence of translation (3.4% - 2,073 out of 61,020 peptides, Odds Ratio = 4.3, PFisher’s exact < 10−300) and/or transcription (22.8% - 13,901 out of 61,020 peptides, Odds Ratio = 1.2, PFisher’s exact = 6.7 · 10−108). The results suggest that our approach tends to slightly overestimate the potential transcription and translation of candidates with canonical-length homologs.
Given that only a small number of transcriptomic or proteomics dataset were available and the afore-mentioned limitations in interpreting the mappings, we considered AMPs passing all quality-control tests to be high-quality, regardless of evidence of translation or transcription. We further separated those with experimental evidence of translation/transcription (17,115 c_AMPs, circa 2% of AMPSphere) and those without it (63,098 c_AMPs, circa 7%). For c_AMP families, we considered high-quality those where ≥75% of its c_AMPs pass all quality control tests or those with at least one c_AMP possessing experimental evidence of translation/transcription.

Sample-based c_AMPs accumulation curves

To determine the saturation of c_AMP discovery, for each habitat or group of habitats, we computed sample-based accumulation curves by randomly sampling metagenomes in steps of 10 metagenomes. This procedure was repeated 32 times, and the average was taken.

Multi-habitat and rare c_AMPs

We first counted c_AMPs present in ≥2 habitats (“multi-habitat AMPs”). To then test the significance of this value, we opted for a similar approach to that described in Coelho et al.: habitat labels for each sample were shuffled 100 times and the number of resulting multi-habitat c_AMPs was counted. Shuffling labels resulted in 676,489.7 ± 4,281.8 multi-habitat c_AMPs by chance for high-level habitat groups, and in 685,477.17 ± 4,369.6 multi-habitat c_AMPs by chance when looking at the habitats individually inside the high-level groups. The Shapiro-Wilks test was used to check that the resulting data distribution is normal (p = 0.49, for specific habitats; p = 0.1 for high-level habitats). In the original (non-shuffled data), high-level habitat groups presented 93,280 multi-habitat c_AMPs (136.21 standard deviations below shuffled value), while specific habitats presented 173,955 multi-habitat c_AMPs (117.1 standard deviations below shuffled value).
To determine the rarity of c_AMPs, we adapted the protocol previously established by Coelho et al. in which the non-redundant genes in AMPSphere were mapped against the reads of metagenome samples using NGLess. We considered only uniquely mapped reads. From the mapping, we computed the c_AMPs detected per sample and the number of detections per c_AMP, considering “rare” c_AMPs as those detected less than the average of the entire AMPSphere (682 detections or 1% of all samples as previously described for species). This approach was adopted to overcome the high computational costs of a competitive mapping procedure. We expect that our approach overestimates how prevalent c_AMPs are, and because of that, it is a robust way to estimate the rarity of c_AMPs.
As the high-quality designation requires at least 3 gene variants for the RNAcode test to be performed, the rarest genes will not be high-quality. However, for robustness, we quantified this effect by computing the mean and median number of detections in only the high-quality c_AMPs and only non-terminal c_AMPs (a test which does not require a minimum number of genes). The mean number of detections is 682 for the full collection, 789 for high-quality c_AMPs, and 679 for non-terminal ones.

Testing c_AMPs overlap across habitats

Like was done when testing the significance of the number of multi-habitat c_AMPs observed, the number of overlapping c_AMPs was computed for each pair of habitats. We shuffled the sample labels 1,000 times, counting the number of randomly overlapping c_AMPs for each pair of habitats. Then, we estimated the probability of observing the overlap by Chebyshev’s inequality, which does not rely on any assumption regarding the distribution of the data as we observed, using the Shapiro-Wilk’s test, that the shuffled counts do not follow a normal distribution. Chebyshev’s inequality is
, where Z stands for the Z score computed from the average and standard deviations estimated by the shuffling procedure. The p-values were adjusted using Holm-Sidak implemented in multipletests from the statsmodels package, and those below 0.05 were considered significant.

c_AMP density in microbial species

The c_AMP density was defined as
, where is the number of c_AMP redundant genes and L is the assembled base pairs. We assume, as an approximation, that in a large segment assembled, the start positions of AMP genes are independent and uniformly random. Then, we calculated the standard sample proportion error with the formula: . The standard sample proportion error was used to calculate the margin of error at a 95% confidence interval (
To gain insights about the contributions of different phyla, species, and genera to the AMPSphere, we calculated the c_AMP density for these taxonomy levels using the c_AMPs included within AMPSphere, summing all assembled base pairs for contigs assigned to each taxonomy level in the samples used in AMPSphere. The
of genera, phyla and species within a margin of error superior to 10% of the calculated value were eliminated along with outliers according to Tukey’s fences (). We estimated species’ presence and abundance in each sample using mOTUs2. None of the genera with the highest
(Algorimicrobium, TMED78, SFJ001, STGJ01, and CAG-462) were highly prevalent microbes.

c_AMPs and bacterial species transmissibility

We used the species taxonomy and transmissibility indices calculated by Valles-Colomer et al. to demonstrate the effect of AMPs on the transmission of bacterial species from mother to children. Only those species overlapping AMPSphere and the datasets from Valles-Colomer et al. were used for this analysis, and their AMP densities were calculated as described in the previous section (c_AMP density in microbial species), using all the predicted c_AMPs from metagenomes and genomes we obtained, also including those not in AMPSphere, to avoid sampling bias. The AMP density and the coefficient of transmissibility were correlated using Spearman’s method implemented in the scipy package: following children’s microbiome after 1, 3, and up to 18 years, as well as, cohabitation and intra-datasets. The p-values of correlations were corrected using Holm-Sidak implemented in the multipletests function from the statsmodels package.

Determination of accessory AMPs

To uncover the prevalence of c_AMPs through the microbial pangenomes, core, shell, and accessory c_AMP clusters were determined using the subset of c_AMPs obtained from ProGenomes2 because of their high-confidence assigned taxonomies and genomically-defined species (specI). To increase confidence in our measures, only species containing at least 10 genomes were used in this analysis. c_AMPs and AMP families present in fewer than 50% of the genomes from a microbial species were classified as accessory. c_AMPs and families present in 50%–95% of the genomes in the cluster were classified as shell, and those present in >95% of the genomes were classified as core genes.
To determine the propensity of AMPs being shared between genomes belonging to the same strain, we first defined strains within species. For this, we used FastANI v.1.33 to cluster genomes from the same species in ProGenomes2. Genome groups with ANI ≥99.99% were considered clonal complexes and only a single representative of each clonal complex was kept for further analyses. Species that had fewer than 10 genomes after this step were not considered further in this analysis. Next, we inferred strains (99.5% ≤ ANI <99.99%) as in Rodriguez et al. We then counted the pairs of genomes from the same species sharing AMPs, stratified by whether the pair originates from the same strain or not, and tested the results with Fisher’s Exact Test implemented in the scipy package.
To determine the proportions of accessory, shell and core full-length proteins in the microbial pangenomes, we also extracted the predicted full-length proteins from the ENA database for each genome and hierarchically clustered them after alphabet reduction in a similar fashion to that described in the topic “AMP families”. Full-length protein clusters with ≥8 sequences for each species were kept. The prevalence of full-length protein families within a species was computed as above and the number of core families was compared to the number of c_AMP core families using the probability, calculated as number of species with proportion of core full-length protein families less or equal to that observed for c_AMPs divided by the total of assessed species.
To determine the genotype of Mycoplasma pneumoniae genomes in ProGenomes2, we extracted the gene coding for P1 adhesin by mapping the reference gene sequence NZ_LR214945.1:c568695-567307 against each genome with bwa v.0.7.17, and later extracted the sequences using with SAMtools and BEDtools. The extracted gene sequences were aligned using Clustal Omega, and a phylogenetic tree was built using the aligned nucleotide sequences and FastTree 2 with the restricted time-reversible substitution model and a bootstrapping procedure with 1,000 pseudo-replicates to determine node support. The tree was used to segregate and classify genomes taking the strain type of reference genomes from Diaz et al.

Annotation of AMPs using different datasets

To detect homologs to previously published proteins, we aligned AMPSphere candidates against several databases: (i) the small protein sets in SmProt 2, (ii) the bioactive peptides database starPepDB 45k, (iii) the small proteins from the global data-driven census of Salmonella, (iv) the global microbial gene catalog GMGCv1, (v) and the AMP database DRAMP version 3.0. To strictly avoid any artifacts of assembly for the analysis, only c_AMPs which passed the terminal placement test (i.e., for which there was strong evidence that the ORF is indeed complete) were searched against the GMGCv1. The AMPs were annotated using MMseqs2 with the ‘easy-search’ method, retaining hits with an E-value up to 10−5. As Macrel removes the starting methionine from the peptides it outputs, hits starting at the second amino acid were treated as if they matched the first one.
We used the hypergeometric test implemented in the scipy package to model the association between c_AMPs and the background distribution of ortholog groups from GMGCv1. The number of genes that were redundant in GMGCv1 for each ortholog group was computed along with the counts for ortholog groups in the top hits to AMPSphere. The enrichment was given as the proportion of hits present in a given ortholog group divided by the proportion of that ortholog group among the redundant sequences in GMGCv1, and results were considered significant if p < 0.05 after correction with the Holm-Sidak method implemented in multipletests from the statsmodels package. When using a robust approach that filters the ortholog groups by the number of c_AMP hits and GMGCv1 hits associated with them, using a minimum of 10, 20, or even 100 proteins, the results were kept similar to those obtained with all data showing that the extension of the ortholog groups in AMPSphere did not affect the enrichment analysis.
To check for genomic entities generated after gene truncation, we screened for c_AMP homologs using the default settings for Blastn against the NCBI database, keeping only significant hits with a maximum E-value of 10−5. As a case study, we selected the AMP10.271_016, predicted to be produced by Prevotella jejuni, which shares the start codon with the gene coding for a NAD(P)-dependent dehydrogenase (WP_089365220.1). To verify the gene disposition and putative mutations leading to the AMP creation, we used Biopython to codon-align the fragments from metagenomic contigs assembled from samples SAMN09837386, SAMN09837387, and SAMN09837388, and genomic fragments of different strains of Prevotella jejuni CD3:33 (CP023864.1:504836–504949), F0106 (CP072366.1:781389–781502), F0697 (CP072364.1:1466323–1466436), and from Prevotella melaninogenica strains FDAARGOS_760 (CP054010.1:157726–157839), FDAARGOS_306 (CP022041.2:943522–943635), FDAARGOS_1566 (CP085943.1:1102942–1103055), and ATCC 25845 (CP002123.1:409656–409769) and compared the segments coding for the AMP and the original full-length protein.

Genomic context conservation analysis

To gain insights into the gene synteny involving AMP genes, we mapped the 863,498 AMP sequences against a collection of 169,632 reference genomes, metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) and single amplified genomes (SAGs) curated elsewhere with DIAMOND in “blastp” mode, as previously reported. Hits with identity >50% (amino acid) and query and target coverage >90% were considered significant. The target coverage threshold avoids hits to larger homologs whose function may be unrelated. This yielded 107,308 AMPs with homologs in at least one genome. We built gene families from the hits of each AMP detected in the prokaryotic genomes and calculated a conservation score based on the functional annotation of the neighboring genes in a window of three genes up and downstream. The vertical conservation score at each position within the window of each c_AMP was calculated as the number of genes with a given functional annotation (ortholog group, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway, KEGG orthology, KEGG module, PFAM 33.1,, and CARD; details of annotation and annotated database described previously). divided by the number of genes in the family. AMPs with more than two hits and a vertical conservation score >0.9 with any functional term were considered to have conserved genomic contexts. Figure 4 shows genomic context conservation of different KEGG pathways.
For testing whether the fraction of AMPs with conserved genomic neighbors is similar to that of other gene families within the 169,632 genomes curated by del Río et al., we calculated genomic context conservation on 3,899,674 gene families calculated de novo with MMSeqs2 (using a minimal amino acid identity of 30%, coverage of the shorter sequence of at least 50%, and maximum E-value of 10−3). The c_AMPs were also annotated using EggNOG-mapper v2. Their KO annotations were compared to that of the immediate neighbors (+/− 1 positions) to identify neighborhoods with the same function. It was possible to annotate 56.1% (60,173 out of 107,308) of c_AMPs with hits to the genomes tested using the EggNOG5 database. Of these, 18.1% were assigned to translation-related functions (class J), 14.4% belong to proteins of unknown function (S), 9% were assigned to replication, recombination, and repair (L).

AMPSphere web resource

AMPSphere is found at the address The implementation is based on Python and Vue Javascript. The database was built with sqlite, and SQLalchemy was used to map the database to Python objects. Internal and external APIs were built using FastAPI and Gunicorn to serve them. On the front end, Vue 3 was used as the backbone and Quasar built the layout. Plotly was used to generate interactive visualization plots, and Axios to render content seamlessly. LogoJS ( was used to generate sequence logos for AMP families; while the helical wheel app ( was used to generate AMP helical wheels.

Peptide selection for synthesis and testing

We selected two groups of peptides: (i) 50 peptides that were selected as being particularly likely to be active and that were otherwise interesting (as described below), (ii) 50 peptides selected randomly after applying technical exclusions.
For the first group, only high-quality (see the topic “quality control of c_AMPs”) c_AMPs were considered for synthesis. They were further filtered according to six criteria for solubility and three criteria for synthesis, as in PepFun. We estimated the solubility using the criteria implemented in PepFun, observing that 67.4% (581,749 peptides) passed at least half of the solubility criteria evaluated. The subset that is homologous to peptides in DRAMP version 3.0 had a slightly lower rate, 44.3% passed half the tests. We then assessed the peptides regarding their ease of synthesis, however, only 21.2% from AMPSphere passed at least 2 out of the 3 criteria established for chemical synthesis.
A peptide approved for at least six of the above-mentioned criteria was then filtered by predicting AMP activity with six methods in addition to Macrel: AMPScanner v2, the mature peptides model in ampir, amPEPpy, APIN – with their proposed model, AI4AMP, and AMPLify. Peptides predicted to be AMPs by all methods were filtered by length, discarding sequences longer than 40 amino acid residues, for which conventional solid-phase peptide synthesis using Fmoc strategy has lower yields and many recoupling reactions.,, Only one peptide was kept from each family or cluster, namely the one with the highest number of observed smORFs. After this process, we obtained 364 candidate AMPs, belonging to 166 families and 198 clusters with <8 c_AMPs. Of these, 30 candidates were homologous to sequences from the databases used in annotation (e.g., SmProt 2). To compose the list of 50 high-likelihood candidates: (i) we selected 34 of the most prevalent peptides; (ii) we randomly selected 14 c_AMPs (30% of our set) with homologs to the GMGCv1 and one that matched SmProt 2; and (iii) we included one peptide that was found in the MAGs binned from stool samples used to investigate fecal transplantations. We also included scrambled sequences made using five of the most active peptide sequences to verify the potency of randomly generated sequences.
To build the group of randomly selected peptides, we first selected c_AMPs that are not homologous to any other databases tested and that passed the abovementioned synthesis criteria (total of 768,061 out of 863,498 peptides). We further divided this group into subgroups: (i) those with Macrel-assigned probability >0.6 (271,555 c_AMPs) and (ii) those in the range 0.5–0.6 (496,506 c_AMPs; note that all c_AMPs in AMPSphere have a Macrel-assigned probability ≥0.5). We randomly sampled 25 peptides from each group.

Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination

The 100 AMPs were tested for antimicrobial activity using the broth microdilution method. MIC values were considered as the concentration of the peptides that killed 100% of cells after 24 h of incubation at 37°C. First, peptides diluted in water were added to untreated flat-bottom polystyrene microtiter 96-well plates in 2-fold dilutions ranging from 64 to 1 μmol L−1, and then peptides were exposed to an inoculum of 2·106 cells in LB or BHI broth, for pathogens and gut commensals, respectively. After the incubation time, the absorbance of each well representing each of the conditions was analyzed using a spectrophotometer at 600 nm. The assays were conducted in three biological replicates to ensure statistical reliability.

Circular dichroism assays

Circular dichroism experiments were conducted using a J1500 circular dichroism spectropolarimeter (Jasco) at the Biological Chemistry Resource Center (BCRC) of the University of Pennsylvania. The experiments were carried out at a temperature of 25°C. Circular dichroism spectra were obtained by averaging three accumulations using a quartz cuvette with an optical path length of 1.0 mm. The spectra were recorded in the wavelength range from 260 to 190 nm at a scanning rate of 50 nm min−1 with a bandwidth of 0.5 nm. The peptides were tested at a concentration of 50 μmol L−1. Measurements were performed in water, a mixture of water and trifluoroethanol (TFE) in a ratio of 3:2, and a mixture of water and methanol in a ratio of 1:1. Baseline measurements were recorded prior to each measurement. To minimize background effects, a Fourier transform filter was applied. The helical fraction values were calculated using the single spectra analysis tool available on the BeStSel server.

Outer membrane permeabilization assays

Membrane permeability was analyzed using the 1-(N-phenylamino)naphthalene (NPN) uptake assay. NPN demonstrates weak fluorescence in an extracellular environment but displays strong fluorescence when in contact with lipids from the bacterial outer membrane. Thus, NPN will show increased fluorescence when the integrity of the outer membrane is compromised. A. baumannii ATCC 19606 and P. aeruginosa PA01 were cultured until cell numbers reached an OD600 of 0.4, followed by centrifugation (10,000 rpm at 4°C for 3 min), washing, and resuspension in buffer (5 mmol L−1 HEPES, 5 mmol L−1 glucose, pH 7.4). Subsequently, 4 μL of NPN solution (working concentration of 0.5 mmol L−1) was added to 100 μL of bacterial solution in a white flat bottom 96-well plate. The fluorescence was monitored at λex = 350 nm and λem = 420 nm. The peptide solutions in water (100 μL solution at their MIC values) were introduced into each well, and fluorescence was monitored as a function of time until no further increase in fluorescence was observed (30 min). The relative fluorescence was calculated using a non-linear fit. The positive control (antibiotic polymyxin B) was used as baseline. The following equation was applied to reflect % of difference between the baseline (polymyxin B) and the sample:

Cytoplasmic membrane depolarization assays

The ability of the peptides to depolarize the cytoplasmic membrane was assessed by measuring the fluorescence of the membrane potential-sensitive dye 3,3′-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine iodide [DiSC3-(5)]. This potentiometric fluorophore fluoresces upon release from the interior of the cytoplasmic membrane in response to an imbalance of its transmembrane potential. A. baumannii ATCC 19606 and P. aeruginosa PA01 cells were grown with agitation at 37°C until they reached mid-log phase (OD600 = 0.5). The cells were then centrifuged and washed twice with washing buffer (20 mmol L−1 glucose, 5 mmol L−1 HEPES, pH 7.2) and re-suspended to an OD600 of 0.05 in 20 mmol L−1 glucose, 5 mmol L−1 HEPES, 0.1 mol L−1 KCl, pH 7.2. An aliquot of 100 μL of bacterial cells was added to a black flat bottom 96-well plate and incubated with 20 nmol L−1 of DiSC3-(5) for 15 min until the fluorescence stabilized, indicating the incorporation of the dye into the cytoplasmic membrane. The membrane depolarization was monitored by observing the change in the fluorescence emission intensity of the dye (λex = 622 nm, λem = 670 nm), after the addition of the peptides (100 μL solution at their MIC values). The relative fluorescence was calculated using a non-linear fit. The positive control (antibiotic polymyxin B) was used as baseline. We estimated the % of difference between the baseline (polymyxin B) and the sample using the same mathematical approach as in the “Outer membrane permeabilization assays”.

Quantification and statistical analysis

Graphs for the experimental results were created and statistical tests conducted in GraphPad Prism v.9.5.1 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, California USA).

Additional resources

AMPSphere is freely available for download in Zenodo and as a web server (


We thank Marija Dmitrijeva (University of Zurich) for her helpful comments on a previous version of the manuscript. We thank Kaylyn Tousignant (Queensland University of Technology) for her help editing the manuscript. We thank Georgina H. Joyce (Queensland University of Technology) for her help designing the graphical abstract. We thank members of the Coelho group and the de la Fuente Lab for insightful discussions. C.F.-N. holds a Presidential Professorship at the University of Pennsylvania and acknowledges funding from the Procter & Gamble Company, United Therapeutics, a BBRF Young Investigator Grant, the Nemirovsky Prize, the Penn Health-Tech Accelerator Award, Defense Threat Reduction Agency grants HDTRA11810041 and HDTRA1-23-1-0001, and the Dean’s Innovation Fund from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. We thank Dr. Mark Goulian for kindly donating the strains Escherichia coli AIC221 (Escherichia coli MG1655 phnE_2:FRT [control strain for AIC 222]) and Escherichia coli AIC222 (Escherichia coli MG1655 pmrA53 phnE_2:FRT [polymyxin-resistant]). This work was partly funded by the EMBL and the following grants: National Natural Science Foundation of China grants T2225015 and 61932008 (L.P.C. and X.-M.Z.); Shanghai Science and Technology Commission Program grant 23JS1410100 (L.P.C. and X.-M.Z.); National Key R&D Program of China grants 2023YFF1204800 and 2020YFA0712403 (L.P.C. and X.-M.Z.); Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project grant 2018SHZDZX01 (L.P.C. and X.-M.Z.); Lingang Laboratory and National Key Laboratory of Human Factors Engineering Joint Grant LG-TKN-202203-01 (X.-M.Z.); The Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality grant 22JC1410900 (L.P.C.); Australian Research Council grant FT230100724 (L.P.C.); the Langer Prize from the AIChE Foundation (C.F.-N.); National Institutes of Health grant R35GM138201 (C.F.-N.); Defense Threat Reduction Agency grant HDTRA1-21-1-0014 (C.F.-N.); PID2021-127210NB-I00, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE (J.H.-C.); 'la Caixa' Foundation ID 100010434, fellowship code LCF/BQ/DI18/11660009 (A.R.d.R.); and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement 713673 (A.R.d.R.).

Author contributions

Conceptualization, C.D.S.-J., L.P.C., M.D.T.T., and C.F.-N.; Data curation, C.D.S.-J., Y.D., T.S.B.S., M.K., A.F., L.P.C., M.D.T.T., and C.F.-N.; Formal analysis, C.D.S.-J., L.P.C., and M.D.T.T.; Funding acquisition, L.P.C., X.-M.Z., and C.F.-N.; Investigation, C.D.S.-J., L.P.C., M.D.T.T., and C.F.-N.; Methodology, C.D.S.-J., Y.D., J.H.-C., A.R.d.R., L.P.C., M.D.T.T., and C.F.-N.; Project administration, L.P.C., M.K., X.-M.Z., P.B., and C.F.-N.; Resources, L.P.C., X.-M.Z., and C.F.-N.; Supervision, L.P.C. and C.F.-N.; Visualization, C.D.S.-J., J.H.-C., J.S., A.V., A.H., C.Z., L.P.C., and M.D.T.T.; Writing – original draft, C.D.S.-J., M.D.T.T., C.F.-N., and L.P.C.; Writing – review & editing, C.D.S.-J., Y.D., J.H.-C., A.R.d.R., T.S.B.S., A.F., P.B., X.-M.Z., L.P.C., M.D.T.T., and C.F.-N.

Declaration of interests

C.F.-N. provides consulting services to Invaio Sciences and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of Nowture S.L. and Phare Bio. The de la Fuente Lab has received research funding or in-kind donations from United Therapeutics, Strata Manufacturing PJSC, and Procter & Gamble, none of which were used in support of this work. An invention disclosure associated with this work has been submitted.

Supplemental information

  • Table S1. Metadata and description of (meta)genomes used in AMPSphere, related to Figure 1

    The sample is identified by its access code in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), and the habitat shows the type of habitat this sample was retrieved from. Other data about the sequencing, such as the number of raw inserts and the number of assembled base pairs (bp), are also available along with the information on N50. The number of predicted complete large ORFs (>100 amino acids) and smORFs (10–100 amino acids) is shown (ORFs+smORFs) along with the number of smORFs alone and the predicted non-redundant c_AMPs.

  • Table S2. c_AMP distribution in the habitat groups, related to Figure 1

    The habitats grouped under each class are shown along with the number of genes encoding the non-redundant c_AMPs, the number of c_AMP clusters in total, and the number of clusters containing ≥8 c_AMPs (c_AMP families).

  • Table S3. Ortholog groups (OGs) enrichment in the hits to the GMGCv1, related to Figure 3

    Top hits were assessed, and the proportion of OGs from eggNOG 5

    was compared using the number of c_AMPs affiliating to homologs of a given OG and the total number of OGs found in the homologs of c_AMPs (156,711) in comparison to the GMGCv1. As a background measure, we used the counts of a given OG in the redundant set of genes belonging to GMGCv1 and the total number of OGs found in the redundant GMGCv1 catalog (9,180,087,363). Enrichment in the c_AMPs set was given as the fold-change calculated for each given OG in relation to that expected in the GMGCv1. p values were adjusted using Holm-Sidak, and only significant hits (p < 0.05) were shown.

  • Table S4. c_AMP genome context in comparison to families with proteins of different sizes, related to Figure 4

    Proportion of protein families and AMPs with two or more members showing conserved genomic context involving different KEGG pathways, shown with their accession code and description. This table provides a comparison across the protein families of all sizes, small proteins (<50 amino acids), the set of AMPs passing in all quality tests, the set of AMPs passing all quality tests except for the experimental evidence, and all AMPs.

  • Table S5. AMPs with conserved genome contexts sharing KEGG ortholog groups (KO) with gene neighbors, related to Figure 4

    AMPs were annotated with eggNOG mapper,

    and those harboring KOs were included in this analysis. For each AMP showing the same KO annotation as their neighboring genes, we provide the KO annotation, the relative position of the homolog neighbor, and a description of the function of the KO.

  • Table S6. Metatranscriptomes and metaproteomes used in the verification for experimental signals of transcription and/or translation of c_AMP genes from AMPSphere, related to STAR Methods section “Quality control of c_AMPs”

    Metatranscriptomes from EMBL-ENA were used for transcription of c_AMPs. Datasets from the Proteomics Identification Database (PRIDE)

    EMBL-EBI were also used to identify translated peptides.


    • de la Fuente-Nunez C.
    • Torres M.D.
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