
lunes, 11 de julio de 2022

Strategy Follows the Structure of Artificial Intelligence


Strategy Follows the Structure of Artificial Intelligence

The evermore unrelated strategies of big tech are explained by a need to stay ahead of the breakneck speed of technological progress. This requires building strategy on a multipurpose structure. Increasingly, this structure is formed by elements related to artificial intelligence (AI). The immense range of AI applications enables unprecedentedly broad strategies, and sets previously diverse firms like Google and Amazon to compete in a converging and increasingly complex ecosystem.
Published in: IEEE Engineering Management Review ( Early Access )
Page(s): 1 - 3
Date of Publication: 07 July 2022
ISSN Information:
Publisher: IEEE

Minut d'or del debat del 6 de juliol al Cercle d'Economia. Un debat moderat per Albert Closas Sola on hem pogut contrastar idees i propostes. Si no has tingut oportunitat d'assistir, pots veure-ho a

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