
miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

100 neurocientíficos

twitter icon(5)El blog Research Digest ha sacado un listado de los 100 neurocientíficos con más seguidores en Tweet. El perfil más común es hombre, psicólogo y anglosajón pero también tenemos a Dolors Reig que es mujer y tuitea en español en el puesto 11.
Ésta es la lista, un buen lugar para explorar qué se está haciendo en el campo del estudio del cerebro.
¡Ah! Y a mí me gustaría llegar allí ¿me ayudas?
Andrew Mendonsa. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 393234
Sam Harris. Neuroscientist, author. Followers: 250966
Kiki Sanford. Neurophysiologist turned sci communicator. Followers: 174275
Steven Pinker. Evolutionary psychologist, author. Followers: 151984
Richard Wiseman. Psychologist, blogger and author. Followers: 135145
Laura Kauffman. Child psychologist. Followers: 106984
Dan Ariely. Behavioural Economist, author. Followers: 81949
Oliver Sacks. Neurologist and author. Followers: 80157
George Huba. Psychologist. Followers: 77181
Leah Klungness. Author and psychologist. Followers: 60591
Travis Langley. Social psychologist and author. Followers: 60043
Dolors Reig. Social psychologist (tweets in Spanish). Followers: 58700
Neuroskeptic. Blogger and neuroscientist. Followers: 47625
BPS Research Digest. The BPS Research Digest! Followers: 46828

Yankı Yazgan. Child psychiatrist/ psychology faculty. Followers: 40381
Melanie Greenberg. Clinical health psychologist. Followers: 38751
Anthony Risser. Neuropsychologist, blogger. Followers: 34450
The Psychologist magazine. Followers: 33234
Dylan William. Educational psychologist. Followers: 32928
Miguel Escotet. Psychologist. Followers: 31948
Marsha Lucas. Neuropsychologist. Followers: 31073
Richard Thaler. Behavioural economist. Followers: 30206
Vaughan Bell. Clinical neuropsychologist, blogger. Followers: 29263

BPS Official. Followers: 26746

Aleks Krotoski. Psychologist, tech journalist. Followers: 24255
Jo Hemmings. Celebrity psychologist. Followers: 23740
Jeremy Dean. Psychology blogger. Followers: 23424
25th place Shawn Achor. Positive psychologist. Followers: 23,330
Amy Cuddy. Social psychologist. Followers: 22837
Kelly McGonigal. Psychologist. Followers: 21733
Mo Costandi. Neuroscience writer, blogger. Followers: 21614
David Dobbs. Neuroscience writer. Followers: 21427
Noah Gray. Neuroscience editor. Followers: 20954
Bob Sutton. Organisational psychologist and author. Followers: 20879
David Eagleman. Neuroscientist, author. Followers: 205714
Dean Burnett. Neuroscientist and comedian. Followers: 18759
David Ballard. Work psychologist. Followers: 18459
Marilyn Price-Mitchell. Developmental Psychologist. Followers: 17652
Dan Gilbert. Psychologist. Followers: 17418
Paul Bloom. Psychologist. Followers: 16957
Sun Wolf. Social neuroscientist. Followers: 16517
Susan Whitbourne. Psychologist. Followers: 16511
Daniel Levitin. Psychologist, author. Followers: 16108
Dorothy Bishop. Developmental neuropsychologist. Followers: 15937
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore. Cognitive neuroscientist. Followers: 15829
Scott Kaufman. Cognitive psychologist, author. Followers: 15675
Ciaran O’Keeffe. Parapsychologist. Followers: 15504
Melissa McCreery. Clinical Psychologist. Followers: 15394
Heidi GrantHalvorson. Social psychologist. Followers: 15277
Craig Malkin. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 15004
Simon Baron-Cohen. Developmental psychologist. Followers: 148242
Jonathan Haidt. Psychologist. Followers: 14225
50th place Uta Frith. Developmental neuropsychologist. Followers: 13529
Micah Allen. Cognitive neuroscientist. Followers: 12540
Christian Jarrett. Editor of the Research Digest. Followers: 12312
Andrea Letamendi. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 11809
Todd Kashdan. Psychologist. Followers: 11623
Lee Keyes. Psychologist. Followers: 11399
David Webb. Psychology tutor, blogger. Followers: 11369
Honey Langcaster-James. Psychologist and coach. Followers: 11285
Maria Konnikova. Neuroscience blogger and author. Followers: 11182
Petra Boynton. Psychologist, sex educator. Followers: 10960
Professor Bob. Psychologist. Followers: 10783
Tanya Byron. Clinical psychologist, TV presenter, columnist. Followers: 10287
Cary Cooper. Occupational psychologist. Followers: 10275
Pam Spurr. Agony aunt. Followers: 10170
Susan Weinschenk. Psychologist and author. Followers: 10010
David Rock. Work psychologist. Followers: 9995
Maia Szalavitz. Neuroscience journalist. Followers: 9968
Jay Watts. Clinical psychologist, Lacanian. Followers: 9341
Andrea Kuszewski. Robopsychologist. Followers: 9135
Bradley Voytek. Neuroscientist and self-professed geek. Followers: 9002
Timothy Lomauro. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 8996
Stephan Guyenet. Neurobiologist, obesity researcher. Followers: 8795
Jason Goldman. Developmental psychologist, science writer. Followers: 8749
Sophie Scott. Neuroscientist. Followers: 8722
Cheryl Arutt. Clinical and forensic psychologist. Followers: 8690
75th place Margarita Holmes. Psychologist and sex therapist. Followers: 8689
Claudia Hammond. Radio presenter. Followers: 8430
Neuro Bonkers. Blogger. Followers: 8397
Todd Finnerty. Psychologist. Followers: 8066
Bruce Hood. Cognitive scientist. Followers: 7870
Steven Novella. Neurologist and sceptic. Followers: 7635
Graham Jones. Internet (cyber) psychologist. Followers: 7529
John Grohol. Founder of Psychcentral. Followers: 6814
Shelley Bonanno. Psychologist and psychotherapist. Followers: 6549
Jay Dadlani. Psychologist. Followers: 6361
Rory O’Connor. Health psychologist, suicide researcher. Followers: 6292
Jesse Bering. Psychologist, blogger. Followers: 6239
Kevin Mitchell. Neurogeneticist. Followers: 6230
Kathleen Young. Clinical Psychologist. Followers: 5930
Gary Marcus. Psychologist, author and blogger. Followers: 5923
Hugo Spiers. Neuroscientist. Followers: 5817
Andy Field. Psychologist and stats whiz. Followers: 5737
Marco Iacoboni. Neuroscientist, mirror neuron expert. Followers: 5727
Earl Miller. Cognitive neuroscientist. Followers: 5661
Steven Brownlow. Clinical and forensic psychologist. Followers: 5574
G. Tendayi Viki. Social psychologist. Followers: 5564
Judith Beck. Clinical psychologist. Followers: 5447
Lyle Becourtney. Specialist in anger management. Followers: 5413
Neurocritic. Blogger. Followers: 5297
Jon Sutton. Editor of The Psychologist. Followers: 5236
100th place Molly Crockett. Neuroscientist. Followers: 5204

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