
viernes, 20 de octubre de 2023

Serotonin reduction in post-acute sequelae of viral infection

 El COVID persistente reduce los niveles de serotonina circulante. La deficiencia de serotonina afecta la cognición a través de una reducción de la señalización vagal. Esto da una posible explicación a los síntomas neurocognitivos del COVID persistente.

Serotonin reduction in post-acute sequelae of viral infection

Open AccessPublished:October 16, 2023DOI:
Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC, “Long COVID”) pose a significant global health challenge. The pathophysiology is unknown, and no effective treatments have been found to date. Several hypotheses have been formulated to explain the etiology of PASC, including viral persistence, chronic inflammation, hypercoagulability, and autonomic dysfunction. Here, we propose a mechanism that links all four hypotheses in a single pathway and provides actionable insights for therapeutic interventions. We find that PASC are associated with serotonin reduction. Viral infection and type I interferon-driven inflammation reduce serotonin through three mechanisms: diminished intestinal absorption of the serotonin precursor tryptophan; platelet hyperactivation and thrombocytopenia, which impacts serotonin storage; and enhanced MAO-mediated serotonin turnover. Peripheral serotonin reduction, in turn, impedes the activity of the vagus nerve and thereby impairs hippocampal responses and memory. These findings provide a possible explanation for neurocognitive symptoms associated with viral persistence in Long COVID, which may extend to other post-viral syndromes.



Post-viral syndromes arise in a subset of individuals and can persist for months to years after disease onset. The accompanying symptoms are diverse and often include fatigue, post-exertional malaise, memory loss, and other neurocognitive impairments. A major post-viral syndrome is “Long COVID,” manifesting as post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), which are experienced by a subset of individuals after SARS-CoV-2 infection. The molecular etiology of most post-viral syndromes, including Long COVID, remains unclear. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the persistence of symptoms, including the presence of a viral reservoir that is not cleared after the initial infection, chronic inflammation, auto-antibody development, and tissue damage as a result of non-resolving anti-viral responses. Another common feature that has been associated with post-viral syndromes is platelet dysfunction and hypercoagulability. Finally, Long COVID and other post-viral syndromes have been linked to autonomic nervous system dysfunction. A deeper understanding of whether these mechanisms occur in different subsets of patients or jointly drive disease persistence is urgently needed.
In this study, we perform a metabolomics investigation and find that serotonin levels are a possible discriminator between recovered individuals and Long COVID patients. Using a combination of human cohort studies, animal models of viral infection, and organoid cultures, we determine that the presence of viral RNA and downstream interferon responses cause a decrease in serotonin. Several mechanisms account for this phenomenon, including diminished uptake of the serotonin precursor tryptophan in the gastrointestinal tract, reduced storage in platelets due to thrombocytopenia, and enhanced turnover by serotonin-metabolizing enzymes. One important consequence of peripheral serotonin deficiency is reduced activity of the vagus nerve, which in turn is associated with hippocampal dysfunction and memory loss. Our findings suggest that many of the current hypotheses for the pathophysiology of PASC might be interconnected and offer actionable therapeutic insights.


PASC can be characterized by serotonin reduction

We began our explorations by defining a consensus metabolomics signature of acute COVID-19. We integrated previously published metabolomics datasets across different cohort studies,,,, and ranked the metabolites detected in COVID-19 patients by their degree of deviation from the healthy state (Figures 1A and 1B ). Among the metabolites most strongly altered during acute COVID-19 were amino acids and their derivatives (Figure 1B). We thus focused on possible roles for these metabolites in Long COVID. We followed a cohort of 1,540 individuals with PASC at Penn Medicine and performed a systematic symptom analysis based on questionnaire surveys and chart review (Figures 1C and S1A–S1C; Table S1). Dimensionality reduction analysis defined eight subtypes of PASC based on symptom similarity (Figure 1D), categorized by different degrees of initial hospitalization for acute infection, mobility impairment, visceral malaise, cardiorespiratory problems, and neurocognitive symptoms (Figures 1D–1F and S1D–S1S). We then performed targeted plasma metabolomics on 58 Long COVID patients who were representative of different clusters (Figure S1T) and experienced persistent symptoms 3 to 22 months after acute infection (Figure S2A). We compared them to 60 individuals with acute COVID-19 and 30 individuals with symptom-free recovery from COVID-19 (Figures 1G and S2B–S2D; Table S2). Notably, the metabolite profile of Long COVID patients was distinct from individuals who recovered to a symptom-free state after SARS-CoV-2 infection (Figure 1H). To determine those molecules that drive the altered metabolomics state in Long COVID, we correlated the abundance of each amino acid metabolite with the presence of symptoms (Figure S2E). We identified a set of molecules whose levels were depleted in both acute and post-acute COVID-19 (Figure 1I), the most significant of which was serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) (Figures 1J and S2E). In the post-acute state of infection, serotonin levels were predictive of whether a patient fully recovered or developed long-term sequelae (Figure S2F). Several other amino acids and their derivatives were either unaffected during acute COVID-19 or returned to normal levels in both recovered individuals and Long COVID patients (Figures S2G–S2I).
Figure thumbnail figs1
Figure S1Symptom clusters in a cohort of 1,540 individuals with PASC, related to
We sought to verify this finding in other cohorts. In a metabolomics study of Long COVID patients and healthy controls (from Cork, Ireland), serotonin was among the metabolites whose abundance was most strongly depleted in individuals with PASC (Figures S2J–S2L). In contrast, no serotonin reduction was observed in participants of the UNCOVR cohort (Figures S2M and S2N; Table S3). In this study, patients were enrolled during acute COVID-19 and then longitudinally provided follow-up blood samples and symptom questionnaires. Conversely, the participants at Penn Medicine were enrolled after seeking treatment at a post-COVID clinic. We thus speculated that the severity of PASC might be greater in a cohort that presents for treatment than in a longitudinal recovery cohort. Indeed, the average number of symptoms was higher in the Penn Medicine cohort compared to UNCOVR (Figure S2O). To corroborate whether different levels of circulating serotonin can be explained by differences in PASC symptoms, we measured plasma serotonin levels in a separate longitudinal study (UCSF LIINC cohort), which includes individuals with a wide range of symptoms (Figure S2P; Table S4). Indeed, in this cohort, serotonin levels negatively correlated with the number of symptoms that participants reported three to four months after acute infection (Figure S2Q). Serotonin levels during the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection were not predictive of the development of PASC (Figures S2R and S2S). Taken together, these investigations reveal that serotonin levels are diminished during acute COVID-19 and remain reduced in severe cases of PASC.

Viral inflammation decreases plasma serotonin levels

Given the centrality of serotonin in regulating a large array of physiological processes, we investigated the mechanisms underlying its decrease during acute infection and Long COVID. We first explored whether serotonin depletion was unique to COVID-19 or whether other acute viral infections led to a similar decrease. To this end, we measured serotonin levels in the plasma of 33 individuals with non-SARS-CoV-2 systemic viral infections and compared them to 20 healthy controls (Figures 2A and S3A–S3D; Tables S5 and S6). As in acute COVID-19, serotonin levels were strongly decreased by other viral infections (Figure 2B), suggesting that this might be a more general characteristic of systemic viral infection.
Figure thumbnail gr2
Figure 2Viral inflammation drives serotonin deficiency
Figure thumbnail figs3
Figure S3Characteristics of viral inflammation, related to
To investigate the mechanisms underlying this association, we used mouse models of viral infection. We first infected mice expressing human ACE2 (K18-ACE2) with the ancestral strain of SARS-CoV-2 (Figures 2C and 2D). Notably, SARS-CoV-2 infection of K18-ACE2 mice led to a reduction in circulating serotonin (Figure 2E). We also observed reduced serotonin in wild-type mice infected with the beta variant of SARS-CoV-2 (Figures 2C, 2F, and 2G). Consistent with our human cohorts, this was not a unique property of SARS-CoV-2, since infection of mice with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) similarly decreased plasma serotonin levels (Figures 2C, 2H, and 2I).
Several studies indicate that viral persistence might be a characteristic feature of PASC.,,,, We addressed this question using the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) mouse model of persistent viral infection (Figure 2C). While serotonin levels returned to baseline after clearance of an acute infection (LCMV Armstrong), chronic viral infection sustained serotonin reduction (LCMV clone 13) (Figures 2J, 2K, and S3E–S3H). We thus speculated that reduced serotonin levels in Long COVID might be a consequence of unresolved inflammation induced by viral products. To test this, we recreated viral-induced inflammation in the absence of a replicating pathogen by repeatedly injecting mice with the synthetic double-stranded RNA polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (poly(I:C)), which mimics viral replication intermediates. Notably, poly(I:C) treatment was sufficient to diminish serotonin levels (Figures 2L and S3I) both in total plasma and in isolated platelets, which are the major reservoir of circulating serotonin (Figures S3J and S3K). This effect was reversible since normal serotonin levels were restored within a week of poly(I:C) cessation (Figure 2M).
Both viral infection and poly(I:C) treatment induce type I interferon (IFN) signaling. Indeed, exposure to SARS-CoV-2, infection with VSV, persistence of LCMV, or injection of poly(I:C) all strongly upregulated the levels of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs; Figures S3L–S3O). Importantly, sustained elevation of type I interferons has been observed in Long COVID patients. We therefore asked whether the interferon response caused serotonin reduction. Inhibiting interferon signaling through the interferon alpha receptor (IFNAR) prevented poly(I:C)-induced serotonin reduction (Figure 2N). Moreover, mice with genetic deficiency in either the poly(I:C) receptor TLR3 or in the ISG-inducing transcription factor STAT1 (Figures S3P and S3Q) were resistant to the effects of poly(I:C) on serotonin levels (Figures 2O and 2P). Serotonin depletion did not appear to contribute to host defense, since pharmacological inhibition of the serotonin-synthesizing enzyme TPH1 enhanced viral loads and pathogenesis during VSV infection and had no effect on SARS-CoV-2 replication (Figures S3R–S3V). Collectively, these findings suggest that the canonical pathway of viral RNA sensing and type I interferon induction by TLR3 leads to serotonin depletion (Figure 2Q).

Viral inflammation blocks intestinal tryptophan uptake

We next investigated the mechanisms by which viral-induced inflammation reduces serotonin levels. The large majority of circulating serotonin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, where it is synthesized from dietary tryptophan in enterochromaffin cells (Figure 3A). We thus investigated whether serotonin production during viral infection might be limited by reduced tryptophan availability. Indeed, individuals with acute COVID-19 showed reduced plasma tryptophan levels (Figures 1B and 3B).,, Moreover, tryptophan levels were decreased in Long COVID patients (Figures 1B and 3B). A similar decrease in tryptophan levels was observed in the UCSF LIINC cohort and in another independent Long COVID study (Rush University), (Figures S4A and S4B; Table S4). Plasma tryptophan concentrations were likewise reduced during chronic LCMV infection and after poly(I:C) treatment of mice (Figures 3C and 3D), suggesting that lower tryptophan availability may cause serotonin reduction by substrate limitation. Consistently, feeding a tryptophan-deficient diet to mice phenocopied the effect of poly(I:C) treatment on plasma serotonin levels in mice (Figures 3E and 3F).
Figure thumbnail gr3
Figure 3Viral inflammation suppresses genes involved in intestinal amino acid absorption
Figure thumbnail figs4
Figure S4The impact of viral inflammation on metabolite abundances, related to
Generally, tryptophan deficiency can be caused by either reduced intestinal absorption or by enhanced conversion into tryptophan derivatives such as kynurenine (Figure 3A). Kynurenine levels are elevated during viral infection, and numerous reports have highlighted kynurenine as a metabolite strongly induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection,,,, (Figure 1B). Indeed, kynurenine levels were increased during acute COVID-19 in our cohort (Figure S4C) and likewise elevated by poly(I:C) treatment of mice (Figure S4D). We therefore hypothesized that serotonin reduction was a consequence of tryptophan depletion due to increased kynurenine production. However, the increase in kynurenine levels did not persist in individuals with PASC (Figure S4C). Furthermore, mice lacking the kynurenine-producing enzyme IDO1, which are deficient in kynurenine production, still presented with reduced serotonin upon poly(I:C) treatment (Figures S4E and S4F). Similarly, pharmacological inhibition of the alternative kynurenine-producing enzyme TDO2 did not restore serotonin levels (Figures S4G and S4H). These findings make it unlikely that kynurenine production is the major cause for serotonin depletion during viral inflammation.
We therefore explored intestinal amino acid uptake as a possible cause of tryptophan deficiency and serotonin depletion. Since poly(I:C) treatment reduces food intake (Figure S4I),, we speculated that tryptophan deficiency may result from diminished consumption of this essential amino acid. However, the poly(I:C)-induced tryptophan and serotonin reduction was seen even after an extended fast, in paired feeding experiments, and in experiments in which we supplemented food to poly(I:C)-injected mice (Figures S4J–S4N). The number of serotonin-producing enterochromaffin cells was unaltered by poly(I:C) treatment, ruling out enzymatic synthesis of serotonin as the critical bottleneck (Figures S4O and S4P). We thus used an unbiased approach to explore the impact of viral inflammation on intestinal nutrient absorption. We performed RNA-sequencing of small intestinal tissue of poly(I:C)-treated mice and controls, which revealed strong alterations in intestinal gene expression (Figure S4Q). Expectedly, most upregulated genes belonged to viral recognition and inflammation pathways (Figures 3G and S4R). Remarkably, the gene functions most significantly diminished by poly(I:C) treatment were involved in nutrient metabolism, including amino acid absorption (Figures 3G–3I, S4R, and S4S). For example, the expression of the apical global amino acid transporter ATB0,+ (Slc6a14), the neutral amino acid transporter B0AT1 (Slc6a19), and the B0AT1 chaperone ACE2 were all strongly decreased in poly(I:C)-treated mice (Figures 3G and 3J). The expression of transporters on the basolateral side, such as LAT2 (Slc7a8), were likewise reduced (Figures 3G and 3J). In contrast, the biosynthetic pathway converting tryptophan into serotonin, including the rate-limiting enzyme TPH1, was not affected (Figure 3J). These data highlight transcriptional downregulation of key amino acid absorption genes during viral inflammation, which we verified by qPCR of intestinal tissue from poly(I:C)-treated mice (Figures S5A–S5K).
Figure thumbnail figs5
Figure S5The transcriptional impact of viral inflammation, related to
We next used both mice and intestinal organoids to reconstruct the poly(I:C)-induced signaling pathway leading to transcriptional alteration in tryptophan uptake genes (Figures S5A and S5L). As in intestinal tissue, small intestinal organoids responded to poly(I:C) with downregulation of Ace2 and Slc6a19 (Figures 4A , 4B, and S5M). TLR3 deletion prevented the downregulation of these genes after poly(I:C) injection (Figures 4C and 4D). Inhibition of the transcription factor NF-κB, which signals downstream to TLR3, blunted the induction of an interferon response and the downregulation of Ace2 and Slc6a19 in organoids (Figures 4E, 4F, S5N, and S5O). Notably, exposure to type I interferons was sufficient to reduce the expression of genes involved in tryptophan absorption (Figures 4G, 4H, and S5P). The interferon receptor signals via STAT1, and we verified marked STAT1 phosphorylation in response to poly(I:C) treatment in both organoids and intestinal epithelial cells (Figures S5Q and S5R). STAT1 was required for the transcriptional inhibition of Ace2 and Slc6a19 (Figures 4I and 4J) in an epithelial-intrinsic manner (Figures 4K and 4L).
Figure thumbnail gr4
Figure 4Mechanisms of viral inflammation-induced intestinal gene expression changes
To explore the connection between viral persistence in the gut and transcriptional regulation of tryptophan uptake genes, we examined gastrointestinal samples from both mice and humans after viral infection. Indeed, we observed downregulation of Ace2 and Slc6a19 in both acute (VSV) and chronic (LCMV clone 13) settings of viral infection (Figures 4M–4P). Acute SARS-CoV-2 infection in mice also resulted in detectable viral RNA in intestinal tissue (Figures 4Q and 4R), and data from SARS-CoV-2-infected human intestinal organoids revealed strong transcriptional inhibition of ACE2 and SLC6A19 (Figures 4S and 4T). Numerous reports have suggested that SARS-CoV-2 can replicate in the human gastrointestinal tract and remain detected long after the acute infection.,, We confirmed these findings in tissue samples obtained from autopsies during the acute (<2 weeks) and post-acute (>2 weeks) phase after SARS-CoV-2 infection (Figure 4U). While viral RNA could be amplified from several organs during the acute phase (Figure 4V), the gastrointestinal tract stayed viral-RNA-positive in samples obtained from the post-acute phase (Figures 4V and S5S). To determine whether viral persistence in the gastrointestinal tract was associated with the development of PASC, we collected stool samples from individuals with PASC as well as a control group of individuals with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection but no persistent symptoms (Figure 4U). Viral RNA was indeed detected in the stool of a subset of individuals with PASC (Figure 4W), highlighting a possible connection between the presence of viral components in the gastrointestinal tract and the persistence of long-term symptoms in certain individuals.
We next assessed the consequences of reduced epithelial expression of amino acid uptake genes during viral inflammation. In addition to tryptophan, we noted a pronounced reduction in the plasma concentrations of several amino acids in mice injected with poly(I:C), particularly in neutral amino acids (Figure 5A). This amino acid profile resembled the one in mice lacking ACE2 (Figure 5B), which together with B0AT1 is required for the transport of neutral amino acids across the apical membrane of intestinal epithelial cells. We confirmed that the successive loss of functional Ace2 alleles in heterozygous and homozygous Ace2-deficient mice led to a stepwise reduction in tryptophan levels (Figure 5C). Mice lacking ACE2 were also unable to absorb an oral bolus of tryptophan (Figure 5D), in line with previous findings. Notably, the same phenomenon was observed with poly(I:C) treatment of heterozygous Ace2-deficient mice (Figure 5E), indicating that transcriptional downregulation of Ace2 in these mice phenocopied the homozygous Ace2-deficient state. While the systemic levels of tryptophan were reduced, ileal tryptophan accumulated after poly(I:C) injection (Figures 5F and 5G). Isotope tracing confirmed that circulating tryptophan is derived from the orally supplemented source (Figure S6A), highlighting that poly(I:C) treatment prevented tryptophan absorption.
Figure thumbnail gr5
Figure 5Viral inflammation inhibits intestinal amino acid absorption
Figure thumbnail figs6
Figure S6Blood parameters during viral inflammation, related to
If tryptophan uptake was abrogated by poly(I:C) treatment, tryptophan supplementation should elevate serotonin levels even during viral inflammation. To corroborate this, we used a diet containing a glycine-tryptophan dipeptide, which bypasses the need for B0AT1 and enables tryptophan uptake via dipeptide transporters. This diet compensated for impaired uptake in poly(I:C)-treated mice and led to an increase in both tryptophan and serotonin levels in systemic circulation (Figures 5H and 5I). Similarly, supplementation with the serotonin precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), which bypasses the requirement for tryptophan, rescued serotonin levels in poly(I:C)-injected mice (Figure 5J). Collectively, these data demonstrate that viral-RNA-induced inflammation impairs intestinal tryptophan uptake, which causes systemic serotonin depletion (Figure 5K).

Viral inflammation impairs serotonin storage

Upon synthesis in enterochromaffin cells, circulating serotonin is transported inside platelets, while free serotonin is rapidly degraded by monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzymes (Figure 6A). We noted that platelet counts were strongly decreased after acute VSV infection, chronic LCMV infection, and poly(I:C) injection, providing a possible explanation for reduced circulating serotonin levels (Figures 6B–6D). Poly(I:C)-induced thrombocytopenia was dependent on the TLR3-IFN-STAT1 signaling pathway (Figures 6E–6G). The overall white blood cell count was unchanged by poly(I:C) treatment (Figure S6B). Erythrocyte, hemoglobin, and hematocrit counts were reduced (Figures S6C–S6E), while mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin were not affected (Figures S6F and S6G). Increased mean platelet volumes (Figures 6H and 6I) were indicative of increased destruction of platelets,,,,, which was likewise dependent on TLR3, type I interferon signaling, and STAT1 (Figures 6J–6L). Tryptophan supplementation was unable to restore platelet counts (Figure S6H), indicating that reduced intestinal amino acid uptake and platelet depletion were independent effects of poly(I:C) injection. Consistently, platelet depletion abolished circulating serotonin levels (Figures 6M and S6I) without affecting intestinal tryptophan uptake genes (Figures S6J and S6K).
Figure thumbnail gr6
Figure 6Viral inflammation drives thrombocytopenia and serotonin turnover
We next investigated the causes for thrombocytopenia during viral inflammation. The number and size of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow was increased in poly(I:C)-treated mice (Figures S6L–S6N), while thrombopoietin levels were unchanged (Figures S6O and S6P). We noted that the baseline activation status of platelets was increased by poly(I:C) treatment (Figures 6N and 6O). Consistently, platelet aggregation was markedly enhanced (Figures 6P and 6Q). Prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) were reduced (Figures 6R and 6S), further indicative of hypercoagulability. We ruled out changes in the concentrations of fibrinogen, tissue factor, or TAT complexes as alternative explanations (Figures S6Q–S6S). Collectively, these results indicate that viral inflammation drives platelet hyperactivation, resulting in hypercoagulability and thrombocytopenia in an interferon-dependent manner. Consequently, platelet-mediated systemic serotonin transport is impaired.
Since free serotonin is the target of rapid degradation, we next focused on MAO-mediated serotonin turnover. We found that intestinal transcript levels of Maoa were increased in SARS-CoV-2-infected, VSV-infected, and poly(I:C)-treated mice in a TLR3-dependent manner (Figures 6T–6V and S6T). Consistently, the levels of the serotonin degradation product 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were increased in the urine of virally infected mice and in mice injected with poly(I:C) (Figures 6W–6Y and S6U). STAT1-deficient mice were protected from the accumulation of 5-HIAA (Figure 6Z). Notably, pharmacological inhibition of MAO prevented the accumulation of 5-HIAA and restored serotonin levels in poly(I:C)-treated mice (Figures 6AA and S6V). These findings indicate that serotonin turnover is enhanced during viral inflammation.

Serotonin reduction impairs vagal signaling and memory function

Finally, we explored the consequences of peripheral serotonin depletion on individuals experiencing PASC. In a symptom questionnaire administered at the time of blood draw, the majority of patients in our cohort reported fatigue, cognitive difficulties, headaches, loss of endurance, problems with sleep, anxiety, and memory loss (Figure S7A). To investigate possible mechanisms underlying the association between serotonin reduction and prevalent neurocognitive manifestations, we again turned to mouse models. We observed cognitive impairment in the setting of acute VSV infection, chronic LCMV persistence, and in poly(I:C)-treated mice as assessed by the novel object recognition paradigm (Figures 7A–7C ). This was dependent on TLR3 and type I interferon signaling, (Figures 7D and 7E). Platelet depletion similarly impaired memory function (Figure 7F). We therefore hypothesized that serotonin reduction may be responsible for poor cognitive performance after poly(I:C) injection. Indeed, treatment of mice with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine restored novel object recognition (Figure 7G), and rescue of tryptophan levels by glycine-tryptophan supplementation reinstated normal cognitive performance in poly(I:C)-treated mice (Figure 7H). Differences in explorative behavior did not affect the results across all of these experiments (Figures S7B–S7H).
Figure thumbnail figs7
Figure S7Cognitive performance during viral inflammation, related to
Figure thumbnail gr7
Figure 7Serotonin deficiency drives cognitive dysfunction via vagal signaling


The acquisition of short-term memories is driven by the hippocampus, and studies have described reduced hippocampal activity in COVID-19 patients., We found that hippocampal activation in response to novel object exposure was blunted in poly(I:C)-treated mice (Figures 7I–7K, S7I, and S7J). This was not accounted for by changes in hippocampal neurogenesis (Figures S7K–S7N). Since serotonin plays an important role in hippocampal function,,, we hypothesized that serotonin reduction directly impaired the generation of hippocampus-dependent memories. However, serotonin levels in the brain were unaffected by viral inflammation (Figure 7L), suggesting that the peripheral reduction of serotonin was responsible for cognitive impairment.
Circulating serotonin does not cross the blood-brain barrier but can influence the brain via afferent sensory neurons. To explore the impact of peripheral serotonin on sensory neurons, we measured neuronal activation in sensory terminals of the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) in the brainstem. Novelty exposure led to an increase in cFos+ cells in the NTS, but this response was abrogated upon poly(I:C) treatment (Figures 7M and 7N), suggesting that serotonin depletion causes cognitive impairment through reduced sensory neuron activity. Consistently, restoration of peripheral serotonin levels using 5-HTP rescued cognition in poly(I:C)-treated mice (Figures 7O and S7O), and so did the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin, a strong stimulant of sensory neurons (Figure 7O). Of note, capsaicin treatment did not affect peripheral serotonin levels (Figure S7O), and neither capsaicin nor 5-HTP treatment ameliorated poly(I:C)-induced ISG responses in the brain (Figure S7P), highlighting that restoration of sensory input from the periphery is able to rescue cognition despite serotonin deficiency or ongoing neuroinflammation. Peripheral serotonin reduction alone, as in the case of platelet depletion, did not trigger inflammation in the brain (Figure S7Q).
TRPV1+ sensory neurons can be broadly categorized as vagal and spinal cord afferents. To distinguish between both possibilities, we chemogenetically activated Phox2b-expressing neurons, which are restricted to the vagus nerve. Indeed, stimulation of Phox2b neurons during poly(I:C) treatment restored activation of hippocampal neurons and the formation of short-term memories (Figures 7P–7R and S7R). To determine the mechanism by which serotonin influences the activity of vagal neurons, we used an in vitro system in which we cultured neurons from nodose ganglia and exposed them to serotonin. Vagal neurons robustly responded to serotonin treatment, as evidenced by rapid calcium influx (Figure 7S), suggesting a possible direct effect of peripheral serotonin on the vagus nerve. Single-cell transcriptomics data showed high and selective expression of the serotonin receptor 5-HT3 on vagal neurons (Figure S7S). To determine whether serotonin signaling via 5-HT3 receptors was sufficient to restore cognition during viral inflammation, we used the pharmacological 5-HT3 receptor agonist meta-Chlorophenylbiguanide (m-CPBG). Indeed, m-CPBG treatment normalized both novelty responses of hippocampal neurons and performance in the novel object recognition paradigm (Figures 7T and 7U). Taken together, these findings suggest that serotonin reduction dampens vagal signaling and thereby impairs cognitive function.


The emergence of PASC poses a global health challenge. The pathophysiology of post-viral syndromes remains poorly understood,, leaving medical systems across the world unprepared for the large number of individuals developing cardiorespiratory, neurocognitive, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal symptoms in the months and years following acute COVID-19. While vaccination may reduce the risk of developing PASC,, instances of Long COVID after breakthrough infections continue to occur. A deeper understanding of the molecular and cellular etiopathology of PASC is thus urgently needed.
In this study, we have investigated metabolite signatures associated with Long COVID. We have focused on metabolites whose concentrations are perturbed both in acute COVID-19 and in patients with PASC. Among the metabolites we measured, the molecule most significantly associated with PASC was serotonin. We show that viral inflammation-driven serotonin depletion can be caused by reduction of tryptophan absorption, thrombocytopenia, and increased MAO expression. This response is TLR3-, IFNAR-, and STAT1-dependent and results in decreased vagal and hippocampal activation as well as cognitive impairment.
These findings have several important implications. First, they highlight the profound consequences that persistent viral reservoirs can have. Numerous studies have provided evidence for the presence of viral components,, and persistently high levels of type I interferons in the blood 8 months after infection. Our data indicate that the presence of viral components and resultant interferon response might be a causative factor in the development of PASC-associated symptoms.
Second, our study highlights a mechanism by which viral infection can alter amino acid uptake. Deviations from homeostatic concentrations of amino acids can exert profound effects on tissue function. While we focused on serotonin in this study, tryptophan serves as the precursor for many other important metabolites, including niacin, NAD, and melatonin., The evolutionary teleology of reduced intestinal amino acid absorption during viral inflammation remains unclear, but it is possible that acute downregulation of genes involved in amino acid uptake is part of a cellular response to interferon stimulation aimed at abrupt cessation of cellular metabolism during viral infection. In the case of non-resolving viral inflammation, this response may persist and result in nutrient deficiency.
Third, a common feature of both acute and post-acute SARS-CoV-2 infection is the formation of microthrombi as a result of hypercoagulability.,, Our findings imply that thrombocytopenia may diminish the carrying capacity of the systemic circulation for serotonin. Reduced serotonin storage, coupled with the induction of MAO enzymes, may enhance the turnover of serotonin and excretion of its degradation products. Thus, hypercoagulability in acute COVID-19 and Long COVID may have implications beyond its cardiovascular effects.
Fourth, our study indicates a role for the vagus nerve in mediating the impact of serotonin reduction on the brain. Neurological symptoms are widespread in patients with both acute and post-acute COVID-19., Since unequivocal evidence for SARS-CoV-2 replication in the brain is lacking, recent studies have focused on the cognitive consequences of peripheral immune activation as well as neuroinflammation., Based on our data, we suggest that afferent sensory neurons may play a critical role in the neurocognitive manifestations of both acute and post-acute viral infections. The vagus nerve is an important mediator of sickness behavior, responds to peripheral serotonin levels, and has been implicated in the pathophysiology of chronic fatigue syndrome. While the precise circuit by which the vagus nerve is involved in the development of PASC remains unclear, sensory neurons may emerge as an important element in relaying the effect of peripheral viral inflammation to the brain.
Finally, our findings indicate possible targets for clinical interventions aimed at the prevention and treatment of PASC. Our animal models demonstrate that serotonin levels can be restored and memory impairment reversed by precursor supplementation or SSRI treatment. While the effectiveness of SSRIs in acute COVID-19 has been a subject of debate,,,,,, no systematic exploration of SSRIs in individuals with PASC has been performed to date. Our study, together with recent findings linking depression with cognitive impairment in Long COVID and the effect of SSRIs on vagus nerve activity, call for the assessment of targeting serotonin signaling for the prevention or treatment of neurocognitive manifestations.
Given the dual role of ACE2 as both a mediator of intestinal tryptophan absorption and a receptor for SARS-CoV-2, it is possible that virus-induced receptor internalization augments the effect of interferons on ACE2 downregulation and serotonin reduction. In principle, however, none of the mechanisms described in this study are unique to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Indeed, reduced serotonin levels have been reported in other settings of viral inflammation, such as dengue virus infection, which is the trigger of another post-viral syndrome. The connection between serotonin reduction and vagus nerve dysfunction may thus be relevant beyond Long COVID. The fact that low serotonin levels are also found in non-viral conditions characterized by elevated interferon levels, such as systemic lupus erythematosus or multiple sclerosis,,, suggests that the pathway described in this study may even apply beyond viral infections.

Limitations of this study

The degree of serotonin reduction is variable across the four cohorts of individuals with PASC that we have examined in this study. While modes of recruitment, number of symptoms, and degree of disease severity might provide possible sources of this variability, there are likely further differences that we have not accounted for. The manifestations of Long COVID are highly heterogeneous, and the subtypes of PASC that are studied in individual cohorts are likely different. Our results indicate that serotonin reduction is not specific to any particular subset of PASC, but much larger numbers of longitudinal samples are required to comprehensively characterize serum metabolite levels across the different endotypes of Long COVID.
In addition, while we provide evidence for serotonin reduction in acute COVID-19, individuals with PASC, and acutely and chronically infected mice, mouse models for Long COVID are still lacking, and thus our study does not establish a direct causal connection between post-acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, tryptophan uptake, thrombocytopenia, and serotonin levels. The chronic LCMV and poly(I:C) models used in this study recapitulate important features of SARS-CoV-2 infection but have clear limitations. For instance, when administered systemically, poly(I:C) may not accurately mimic the tissue-level inflammatory processes induced by persistent viral reservoirs. Furthermore, while the persistent presence of circulating spike protein may be a useful marker for PASC, it remains unclear whether remnants of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid play any functional role in Long COVID.
Finally, our assessment of viral persistence in the gastrointestinal tract of individuals with PASC is based on a limited number of participants. Similarly, we have not demonstrated a direct connection between intestinal viral persistence and chronically elevated levels of type I interferons in humans, which would require collecting a large number of intestinal biopsies from Long COVID patients. Our results thus call for the large-scale investigation of the causal connection between the presence of a viral reservoir in the gastrointestinal tract, sustained inflammatory responses, and manifestations of Long COVID.

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